
Segel is not ugly but not good looking= either. He get’s woman by making movies and casting the Emily Blunts and Kristen Bells of the world in those movies. He’s also a terrible actor. The best parts of Five Year Engagement and I Love You Man are watching Segel try and fail to act. His effort to affect any type of

Because Theron’s in this movie i will probably go see it. Though this review really dampens my expectations of at least enjoying it a little bit.

that’s the only thing he’s done since. 

A sad situation it is when a man not quitting his job is news.

Snap that’s right! downey was a regular briefly. 

Who are the “pregnant finance lady” and “angry jock who thinks he’s a nerd”?

sure she did but we didn’t see it so it could have been like God just dropped her there. i dont think seeing Arya sneaking closer and closer to the NK would have detracted at all from seeing her drop in and kill the NK.

“ you’re never going to ride a dragon”

my theory is incomplete writing or production on the part of D&D. What are they called, tracking shots? Like whatever work Tony (?) Gilroy did to fix Rogue One, the short scenes at the beginning that tied the characters and story together and gave them continuity. I would have preferred at least one or two quick shots

By “help” you mean having a map in front of them?

that’s a cool map. where’d it come from and what time frame does it represent?

is that Robert Downey Jr?

so you are saying that i will accomplish less than nothing? please point out what Harris’ grandstanding accomplished? Barr is still AG. Trump is still president. Mueller’s actual recommendations are not going to get followed. 

these discussions are interesting but in my mind this movie does not deserve this level of scrutiny. it is at best an ok movie, made Thanos a sympathetic character, never addressed Thanos’ query to them about why not leave things the way they were, and proves that Loki, Cap, Ironman, and Thor are the only interesting

I have to agree. if the beatles appeared out of nowhere and played their music i dont think it would be as popular. i have a sixteen year old student who had never heard of the song LA Woman, had ever heard a Doors song, and thought LA Woman was dumb after he listened to it. 

Both dragons are alive. 

Sansa cowered in the crypt and did nothing as her people were being murdered by zombies. i don’t think she has it in her to actually fight. 

Cersei also has the Lannister army corect? The one that she would not allow to travel north?

Another ineffectual line of questioning by Harris. What did she accomplish? Nothing. she is going for applause and pats on the back like she got with this article to aid her presidential bid.

I agree. At this point Thor is full power and does not need help. ridiculous to think he wouldn’t have wiped out Thanos by himself.