
ok. so what makes The Favourite terrific then?

he’s right ablout the weed. talking to stoned people who people who smoke weed regularly is like talking to a 2X4. why anyone thinks that weed should be legalized is beyond me. smoking weed destroys people’s will to live, work, or do anything but smoke weed and play video games. people high on weed are useless in

I just came from DC and couldn't believe some of the gas prices compared to just outside of DC. now that is something to get pissed off about!

I gave you a star for being anti-amazon. Fuck amazon. 

I’ve done a few escape rooms and found the other people and their incessant talking and barking of orders to really annoying. 

Can I ask why you think The Favourite is terrific? I found it to be very average with scenes included that the director assumed audiences would love automatically like the carriage ride the Emma Stone character took, the duck races, Nichols Hoult and others throwing food at a naked man, etc, while others were played

thanks. didn’t know max landis had been accused of sexual assault. 

I believe it’s Ferrell with an e not an a and Aquaman is a terrible movie.

whose dad?

they have a point. if Mack is guilty so is Scientology. Scientology is a criminal organization not a religion

it is and that is not at all what I did. 

just think of how many shows weren’t put oin the nbig three networks over the years because they didn’t keep on shows that turned a profit. it’s a shame because by doing that they helped create the whole streaming and alternative venue for shows trend. 

The Root is not a news source. It is a blog. Its contributors find things that fit into their worldview, in this case a racist worldview, and create posts about it. 

Putting the word “white” in front of anything makes it a racial slur. “Rich white girl” is a slur because uses the person’s skin color to demean and insult them. Just like “white ass bastard” is, which is something a black friend of mine called me when we were kids. Saying “white girl” is a very demeaning thing to say

I don’t know how to be happy. Please help me.

Does The Root think the movie is anti-white people or is the article itself more of the typical anti-white people crap that site produces? the article has spoilers so I am not going to read it until I finish watching the movie. 

kill all men. 


“always the sidekick”? they made two movies together. Neither is a big star. both are famous and work steadily but neither are stars. 

Huh? Hard is a parody and a comedy and Rhapsody is a biopic and a drama. They are not even close to the same types of movies. Plus, Hard sucks and Rhapsody is really good.