Or stayed home. Hillary supporters are more insufferable than Trump supporters for the fact that they just won’t shut up.
Or stayed home. Hillary supporters are more insufferable than Trump supporters for the fact that they just won’t shut up.
Just read about Momoa. Here at school that would be called assault, destruction of property, and bullying. Heard is an adult so i guess she can define however she feels like.
I agree. And knowing men to stop is a lesson too many men take to long to learn.
Wow. what an idiot you are. you knew it was wrong but you did it anyway. apologizing afterwards doesn’t make it ok or better or erase what you did. you took something from your coworkers which they will never get back. Also, did you consider that they might have not minded or even liked you dropping? I bet not. you…
neither of them are funny. Bee has work because she is a part of the boys club at comedy central and was able to parlay that into her own show. she stays on the air because she plays to the mob. silverman plays to another boys club, the one where being crude and profane passes for jokes.
Neither of them are feminists or claim to be. You hate them which is fine but don’t invent reasons why because you don’t have a legitimate one.
She undermined herself. By saying that all men draw their own lines and that that is wrong she is saying that all men are bad. which she seems to believe but won’t come right out and say.
The thrill of the hunt is fun. Going out and trying to convince a woman you are good enough for her. that’s the hunt and it is fun.
She refutes her own point when she says that men all draw their own lines. if every man gets to draw his own line then their are no lines.
Well that didn’t take long.
End the internet. Problem solved.
When i heard he was hosting i wondered which act he’d do. the one when he’s in playing to mostly white people and he doesn’t use the N-word, or the one when he’s in front of a black audience and the N-word is every other word out of his mouth. I guess we’ll never find out.
I want the couch. he can bring each nominee onto stage and sit on his couch and do a bit from their movie in character then sit there while he reads off the winner.
Agreed. This fall overall has been a bad time for movies.
How way possible to be excited about any movie that has Steve Carrel in it. Although The Big Short is a great movie.
On one hand Ferrell had made few movies that were consistently good and funny the whole way through. The Other Guys and Talladega Nights come to mind. On the other hand even some of Ferrell’s more uneven movies have some really hysterical moments. Get Hard comes to mind. Holmes and Watson need only to fall at a…
I understand your point. I too would cast and produce shows in ways that would get them on the air, keep them on the air, and make myself the most money. My point is is that if Rhimes wants to do that more power to her or whatever. She shouldn’t be criticized for it.
i remember reading a study that concluded that football players are already feeling the effects from football caused brain disorders by the time they reach high school. Discipline problems, learning issues, trouble paying attention, violent tendencies, etc, can be traced to those kids taking hits to the head starting…
and There is the chance the penguins had of winning the cup last year.
They give five minutes for late-blindside interference hits now. started ten years ago or so. and the league helped pittsburgh win a cup over detroit with a bogus 5 minute interference call on #55, i can’t remember his name.