Why are these reviews so long for such a bad show?
Why are these reviews so long for such a bad show?
No. It sounds like the guy is guilty and there is no questioning his guilt. His lawyer is trying to find an end-a-round to get him off.
Smart in what way? It seems to me they allow entry for refugees but don’t want people to move there for work.
Is Wegman’s a north-eastern Pa thing? The Office is set in Scranton, which is nowhere near Pittsbugh, no matter what Joe Biden and CNNs reporters think.
good for you. is your default response to anything that bothers to get violent?
So you went out in public to work and wanted all of society to conform to your demand for total silence? Why not pick up or drink coffee at the coffee shop and do work at work? Sounds to me like you are just a big of menace as she is.
But what an “arm” isn’t. “Arm” can be defined by any law making body.
Yeah it is what it is but what it is is something that does NOT guarantee the right of anyone to own or possess a gun or a firearm. it also is something that is vague enough to allow congress the latitude to define what an “arm” is.
Those other societies aren’t complete corporate-tocracies like america is.
there weren’t enough swear words in this post.
She was planted on Trump by Putin. she is his handler (literally. in more ways than one. one of which not being actually holding his hand). her role is to help putin destabilize america and the west by keeping trump in line.
he’ll get asked about it for a reaction though,
This article sucks. the headline says its about Ben crapping on teammates but doesn’t say what he said or go into the long history he has of throwing teammates under the bus.
play better loser and you win that game.
that was a special circumstance game. the steelers pre game focus was on the anthem nonsense and not the game. they had a heated debate which lasted late into saturday night and many players said they didn’t sleep over it. they looked tired, sluggish, unprepared, and disinterested in that game.
Why use so many statistics if you don’t think they can be used to make predictions? The Steelers have a 38% chance of winning a game on the west coast. That’s what the statistics say. The Steelers should win easily against the Raiders but history suggests they have a good chance of losing even to a terrible Raiders…
It’s not a small sample size. It’s EVERY game the steelers played in the pacific time zone for 48 years. flying across the country to play a regular season game is even dumb when done only 10% of the time.
The only people that talk like yinzers are reporters/entertainers who want to make fun of pittsburghers and can’t think up anything but to reference the way people around USED to talk. I don’t know anyone who talks with a thick pittsburgh accent anymore. too many people moved to the suburbs and too many people moved…
The date it happened is a fact of the story. Who, what, where, why. when, and how. Ever heard of that?
I remember when MTV was mostly ALL music videos, which were introduced by VJs. I also remember some show that was on Friday night that played music videos.