
Nope. Only difference is that Bush did most of his evil in private. 

Yeah, how’d that go? Economy tanked, worldwide recession, drone strikes killing children, Gitmo, the Patriot Act, the continuation of pointless wars, a rigged Supreme Court. Colbert got himself some cheap laughs and a late night show but nothing at all was accomplished.

Easy to be fearless when you know will be no real repercussions from what you say. she had her Netflix show to promote and a gig on Colbert (?) to fall back on. Plus she became a darling of the left so she can find work preaching to the choir whenever she needs it. She took obvious shots at obvious targets. Not brave

The WHCA has something to lose. Nobody with anything to lose shows integrity.

Protruding nail gets pounded down. Squeaky spoke gets the grease.

Cortez won’t be “poor” for long. Most members of congress get rich or richer while holding office. She just needs someone to front her investment money in exchange for her support for tax breaks for chemical companies or something. 

This is wrong. The process is rigged. Kemp won because he cheated. Plain and simple. 

There aren’t countless states anyway. There are fifty. Maybe Ron can’t count that high. 

Hollywood liberals are stupid reactionaries. What else would you expect?

This is what is called stretching a very thin story line to last for five already announced blockbusters.

No. the magical world and its schools are very exclusive and hoity-toity. There are other schools in other countires, France and Hungary (or is it Bulgaria?). 

Powers are dimming? Is that a joke?

Well it would be, wouldn’t it?

I don’t know. Maybe don’t tease out? Give the study/article a pertinent title and include all the demographic stuff in the article? But if this study accurate represents what women face in NYC, and in particular white women, maybe they should be given coupons or credits to use on taxis and ride shares. Otherwise it’s

if that’s the case keep on with it man!

He seemed to be coughing something up. on purpose or not i don’t know. he didn’t appear to cock his head and thrust it forward like people do when spitting. 

Give it a rest. Trump isn’t the beginning. He is the conclusion of the anti-democratic work the right has been doing since the New Deal. They’ve been waiting for an imbecile to come along and play the part of dictator asshole to cover them. The reality is is that American style authoritarianism came at us very slowly,

Your two sentences contradict each other. 

“When people feel abandoned by institutions, they will embrace authoritarians.”

Didn’t watch the episode or read the article but I am assuming he is talking about Trump. If so he is wrong. The stranglehold on liberties and democracy in America began at the time the CIA was created. Once the creep (as I think Ike called it) of the security state began it did not stop.