
Agreed. I’d have no issue paying for a lure or whatever occasionally (though very occasionally, since most of London appears to be all lures all the time), but not until its a lot more stable. I don’t want to risk wasting my money and I also don’t really feel like giving developers my money until the game is a lot

The funny thing is, if Niantic were actively communicating about the issues players have been encountering - just a simple “Hey, we know a ton of you are having trouble logging into our servers, and we’re working on it as quickly as we can” - it would make a world of difference. Just talk!

That...doesn’t automatically nullify any criticisms. :-/

Oooooor! We could get over *ourselves* and think about other people for once.

You mean the reporting that Gawker is doing right now?

Even if Family Guy and South Park are truly satire and mean no ill-will towards groups that they mock, their fans are boys and man-children and “they know not what it means”. But they aren’t. Parker and Stone and MacFarlane (not the only ones) are puerile cultural shitstains making a buck off their emotionally

It was horrible

So which part of my statement is wrong?

The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”

So basically, to get into U of T you have to be in the top 10% of your class, which she was not, or have an excellent extracurricular resume, which she did not. It’s amazing/alarming that this case still made it to SCOTUS.

“Game Developer Barbie is here to prove that anyone has the power to create crappy match-three games, even if they only have five points of articulation.”

This whole thing is just like this horrifying concoction of white privilege, male privilege, rape culture, and misogyny.

White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.

I don’t mind people saying things like that jokingly, but otherwise it feels like benevolent sexism. We need equality, not to be put on pedestals.

And they’ll ignore the hundreds of years of foreign interference, colonialism, slavery, and the US-backed coup and say that all of the country’s problems must all be down to an inferior culture. That phrase “retrograde culture” just made me furious.

Americans (USA) are clueless when it comes to Latin America. Liberals, who might be considered natural allies for women’s rights in Brazil, are basically silent about the US-backed (Obama), right-wing coup in Brazil which has installed a ‘white minority’ government ruling over a black-majority population.

So let’s recap:

Well, an actual report might identify instances of wrongdoing, for one.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.