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A person who pleads the insanity defense is not let off the hook. They are sent to an institution where they undergo mandatory treatment. This defense is rarely used and even more rarely successful.

Life in prison is not “getting a free pass.”

I know I’m taking a risk with this comment on here, but honestly, this is one of the things that I would really like Hillary to change her position on. I know she says she wants it to only be used in federal cases like the Boston bomber, but this is one of those issues that you are either for or against. As long as

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

“Wait, why isn’t my side supporting me anymore? Why won’t they believe me when the evid—ohhhhhhhh.”

““this koala was an individual, the rest were in the trees.” then, that koala DESERVED to get eaten by a predator to ensure that its dumb genes didn’t get passed on. The circle of life is BRUTAL”

yes, it’s an obvious pattern. More importantly, when you only disconnect when you are losing then it is pretty obvious.

This is like complaining about a headline after the Superbowl. Literally. Spoilers don’t extend to sports.

Say cheese and die.

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

This is 64 flavors of MESSED UP. This cop should have known better - and I’ll bet he did. He just wanted to keep the knife.

Oprah sounds really awesome, though, so that’s good.

And even with everything she went through, there are other commenters below calling her a fame whore and saying this isn’t a big deal. About ready to burn the whole fucking thing down, tbh.

I’m a female. I like sports. But it seems like everyday I hear a story about how trivialized women are in sports, in sports “relationships", and now, even broadcasting. dammit.

Don’t forget that SB Nation often doesn’t pay its lower tier writers. But hey at least you get “experience.”

I want to put a catheter full of fire ants up his pee hole.

He's the bipolar kid who is getting his MFA at your college who asks too many questions in class, has weird final submissions, and also makes you worry about your safety.

Counterpoint: Kendrick Lamar’s performance*

*which is the only thing I saw of the Grammys, so take from that what you will...

The term, biological sex, as used in this Act, means the physical condition of being male or female as determined by a person’s chromosomes and anatomy as identified at birth.