
They may have faked a cheating scandal, but you can't hide the alcohol bloat in Dean's face that comes from hosting Chopped Canada, living out of a suitcase at some fleabag hotel, raiding the minibar and talking yourself out of putting a revolver to your mouth night after night, putting an end to your slow suicide

...........Is there an expiration date on this quest?

I read EXACTLY the following:

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.


He's a pompous, disrespectful blowhard who countenances spying and bullies guests. She a racist shit-stirrer who thinks she's advancing feminism by trolling and throwing other women she doesn't like under the bus, and then asking for dudebro points for being so "edgy" and "an equal opportunity offender". So I come

That is a feminist issue though, that most feminists would also argue for. Unfortunately, the valid points of the MRM tend to overlap a lot with feminist issues, but the two sides cannot work together.

It's telling that they focus on false rape allegations and not, say, false assault or embezzlement charges. They only destroy your life when they're made by a woman standing up.

"Ecstatic"? I'm sorry to hear that the idea of a woman being punched into unconsciousness gives you such profound joy.

That's the tort of battery, not a crime. That means he can sue her for spitting at him, but she cannot be arrested for spitting at him.

Witnesses say she spit at him and he punched her in the face. Spitting at someone is incredibly rude. Punching someone is a crime. But at least you can be glad the unconscious woman didn't get any preferential treatment!

That's cute... dress your white self up in other people's culture.

Yeah, this is really offensive to all those Dynastic, pre-Roman Empire Egyptians still kicking about.

However, the video that's being posted by TMZ Sports is not the complete event, but is merely the end result of what transpired.

Wal-Mart is unionized in Europe. (They go by the name Asda).

You are literally the dumbest dumb that ever dumbed.

Done correctly, Unions are for both Management and Labor at a workplace. So yeah, having 1 non-union worker who demands his own negotiations separately from the other 599 union workers, who were represented equally would make no sense.

That, and having a non-Union worker enjoy the benefits of Union representation

I feel like it shouldn't even need to be said that regardless of your opinion on hunting, responsibly hunting a non-endangered animal is a hugely different thing than taking part in the wasteful destruction of a species solely for a single body part and contributing to a dangerous black market.

I feel like he and Terry Richardson should be BFFs / are the same person.

This article is treating the whole thing like a tabloid scandal and doing the utmost to make this about Mia Farrow, even if that means dragging her children through the muck. It seems very unnecessary to me.

Agreed. Particularly violating was the revelation of the current names. Previously I've always heard their children referred to by their childhood names, affording them anonymity (if desired) in adulthood.