
The New Bro can afford them because the New Bro barely completed community college, now works in middle management, wears a polo with his company logo on it, or has a name tag, lives in places like Ontario or Fontana, or other examples of mediocre urban existence, where he rents a room or lives with his parents, eats

The soldier, an African American as Opa vividly recalls (up until that point, Opa had only ever seen a black person in books), drove Opa and his friend to a local radio station on a hill near Mammendorf, about nine kilometers from Fürstenfeldbrook.

I agree - you work hard to get out of middle or low income, and your reward is a higher tax and increasingly you are asked to pay for others. I am not rich either, but it does suck that if you become rich, you are a target to solve every social injustice. Shouldn’t the people using the system pay for it?

So, a hundred years of mismanagement and misappropriation can all be cured by “tax the rich”? Even though the tax dollars will go into the same general fund and be commingled with the other misappropriations?

After watching the zoom on the driver, I’m guessing he was either on something, having a weird medical episode, or a malfunctioning replicant

I’m sure most of this will go wasted on 90% of the people who may read it, but I have a rather unique perspective, as I was there that day and knew him personally... and when I say “there that day” I don’t mean simply in Iraq somewhere in the vicinity of Fallujah, but actually in the house he was killed in as it

I worked retail consumer electronics sales in my early/mid 20's. Straight commission, and I was pretty good at what I did.

Wouldn’t be the first time racism prevented a hero from getting the award he or she deserves.

I was never in the military, so take this with a grain of salt. I would prefer to have an immensely powerful warship named after me than be awarded the Medal of Honor. However, I would expect that if I acted with enough valor to have a 600 million dollar death machine named after me, that I would have also acted

They could come up with a catchy name like Northstar... Or something like that.

Footage of the pilot trying to leave the scene:

When you think of it, this Bugatti is very safe. In the event of a crash the driver is ejected safely away from the car. Everybody knows that being inside a crashing car is dangerous.


I understand this take. I do not like this take.

Neither does a motorcycle.

And your point is? lets all live in a cocoon and do nothing interesting, fun or thrilling. How dare you walk in the streets without body armor and helmet?

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.

Because crushing your woman’s skull is illegal in most jurisdictions.