
Well, if that isn’t PEAK white woman bullshit.

What’s it like to be a sociopath? Do you kiss your mother with that lack of empathy?

I, too, am willing to sacrifice Sammy Hagar.

the game too.

Part of the point of the article is that you are NOT a good cop if you participate willingly in an evil system. None of them are good cops because they participate in the harm that the system does.

That job shouldn’t be handled by a cop. Next.

You’re missing the point of ACAB - as the policing system currently stands, it is impossible for a cop to be good, regardless of their personal intentions. That’s clear in the article given examples of these “good cops” using illegal methods to “protect their communities.” The way policing in this country is

By far the worst part of the is trying to explain to a toddler what a corporate sponsorship is.

I actually don't find this that funny. I mean in the 1980's the cold war was still going on....I mean, this video was made *before* the TV movie "The Day After" aired. Nuclear annihilation was still a fairly probable scenario when this was made. I mean think of it in terms of "If we're given a 10 minute warning