
My classic truck workflow.

The people who will not handle this well are the same ones already throwing tantrums and feces over the casting choice. No advertising push was going to mollify them. Might as well thumb your nose at the haters as you strut past.

You’re comparing the legal hurdles to building a factory like this in the US, with all the red tape, to Croatia? LOL

“Foxconn” might as well be the name for Trump’s entire Presidency.

Thank you for doing this article focusing on the victims.

Yeah, I agree it’s not economically viable to do this. And I hope that 4 billion of taxpayers money never changes hands (I’m sure it will though). I’d be willing to put a bet that this was all just a photo op for Trump, so he could crow about a new factory being built. Funny how they even used those tractors there to

Trump hasn’t done anything to tackle unemployment, what you’re seeing is the results of an 8 year effort to get out of the recession. That’s not just the doing of the previous administration, but also a lot of simultaneous efforts around the country by state and local governments.

I get the minimalist design and the appeal of wood but this is the “toy car” I really want.

I thought that too until I saw this

I’m with you that he needs to be prosecuted and face consequences for his garbage decisions/potentially (likely somehow illegal) conduct--I’m with you up until “fry this idiot,” but I’m chalking that up to exaggeration, of course.

We know the artist

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

God I hate that you’re 100% correct.

Because he knows that this Congress will do exactly nothing except grumpily grandstand for an hour on CSPAN, and he’s pretty much free to do whatever he wants to make himself a heap of cash. He doesn’t feel any guilt. None of them do. If I were a disgusting, shitsouled person like these men, getting everything I want

If i were buying a Tesla, i would opt for the All-Weather package, unlike these two cheapskates.

Except we didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy because we didn’t like the opinion of the Nazis. We stored the beaches of Normandy because Nazi Germany had invaded much of Europe and North Africa and we were engaging in an international armed conflict against the Germany state.

You are comparing apples to oranges. Actual Nazis, after the declaration of war between the US and Germany, were enemy combatants in an international conflict who could be legally killed under the international laws of warfare.

Now playing

Spot one. Don’t stoop to their level. Violence is what they want and violence plays into their game.

This is the right answer.  The ultimate emasculation of these jackbooted dipshits is to not take them seriously, at all, ever.. so long as they're not violent,.

As much as I can identify with the want to kill Nazis in any and all kinds of creatively gory or just plain expedient ways, this is spot on. They are pathetic losers and mocking and belittling them makes them feel as impotent in totality as they likely are sexually. All they have is anger and anger makes them feel