
Did you miss this part?: "After Jolie's last op-ed, there was a rash of conversation over whether mastectomies for women who carry the BRCA1 gene were really the best way to go; some women said Jolie inspired them to get tested and have the same surgery she had, and at least one study showed that Jolie had been the imp

Do you remember that episode of 30 Rock, right after Obama's first election, where "Toofer" suddenly finds that every white person he runs into in public is treating him like shit? Tina Fey explains to him that now that Obama's been elected, whites no longer felt any racial guilt. As usual, Mrs. Fey nailed it. For the

The voice of the Progressive Christian is completely drowned out of any and all religious conversations in this country. The voice of the Christian feminist is not heard at all.

Progressive Christians always say this, but honestly, the first thing that they do when they have a chance to be heard is make sure that we know that they are NICE Christians, not like those other Christians, who aren't even REALLY Christlike.

The voice of the Progressive Christian is completely drowned out of any and all religious conversations in this country.

This is why I refuse to go to the gym. I do yoga and crunches on my living room floor twice a day and walk/hike in the spring/summer/fall months. I just..can't...stand... being stared/gawk at and hit on despite my wedding ring, in the fugging gym. My teen has a gym membership and she wears her earphones if she's alone

I will someday probably be a cougar but I need to be surprised by how young you are, not how old. I don't get with younger dudes because they straight up look 15, like that kid does.

I am very religious, quite conservative, and reside in the midwest. I know very few people in my conservative, midwestern, religious community who are against birth control. The ones who are tend to keep that opinion to themselves and not be judgmental. Most of the men and women in church leadership I know

I am one of those progressive Christian feminists, and totally agree with your frustration. to the right (including my family) I'm not a "real Christian" and to the left I'm lumped in with every loudmouthed right wing asshole. It's hard to find a place in the church, and because of that I'm fairly isolated from the

I dunno - you could claim that you once ate George Clooney or Angelina Jolie and it wouldn't be a lie.

Imagine the aneurysm he'd have if he ever saw pumpernickel.

And post-feminist society because ...

A walk-in 40... I'm crying. I'm crying for the server. I'm crying for the host and bussers who had to put that table together. How does a group of 40 people not have a single person in it that says MAYBE THIS IS A BAD IDEA AND MAYBE THIS IS RUDE.

Aaaand now I'm hungry.

Posted this last week but it was late and I'm in the greys so I guess no one ever saw it... will try again

How did he think it got burnt in a swirling pattern?

No, but asking questions when you won't actually accept answer is troll behavior. I'm not going to waste my time trying to provide someone information who isn't interested in information.

So she was joking but she was kind of serious, right? I mean she obviously didn't mean sweatpants are *literally* the leading cause of divorce but the general idea that women need to keep it sexy to keep their marriage alive is still there, right?

If I could find a church like that where I am, I'd be much more likely to start going with more frequency again (I'm in NYC, so it may be possible). I was raised Southern Baptist in rural western Kentucky, and it wasn't until I got to college that I realized that a lot of the things I grew up learning about gender

I'm Lutheran.