Mercury Watkins

I hated The Master’s origin story; it ruined what little pretense of The Strain being an epidemiologist thriller. No story about Nazi/Zombie/Vampires is going to be realistic, but I appreciated the concept of applying real world forensics to vampire fiction.

I never understand the dislike for Zach 1.0; I thought he was reasonable for what the role demanded. The first year kid could have never pulled off the stinkface, though.

I remember people complaining about the kid in season one, but I thought he was good. No way in heck he could do what they have Zach doing now, but they probably wouldn’t have gone this route if the new actor didn’t seem so obnoxious.

I think Eph’s reaction is reasonable (within the logic of The Strain), and Corey Stoll sold the Eph’s whimpering when he couldn’t pull the trigger.

Maybe Fet will let him detonate the nuke. He’s got the most experience.

I’m back!

If I ever feel any compassion for Zach, I’ll think back to his talking with Abby like she isn’t an unholy husk of feral worm meat. This isn’t all The Master’s fault; that kind of stupid is bred young.

I wonder if this’ll post, because I’d love to discuss The Strain again.

Definitely Zach, though Kinja is giving him a run for his money.

Same here; I’ve posted two responses directly to an article contributor (which seems weird for a community board) and they haven’t been approved. Its frustrating, as I’ve really enjoyed discussing television on AV Club.

Wow, I really liked this episode. In a series that defies consequences, “Ouroboros” served up a doozy.

They can get off by boat or plane, assuming a human invites them across the water.

I’m sure I screwed up the Disqus/Kinja merge beyond the point of no return, so I’m re-posting my thoughts on this weeks episode: