
Good. Hopefully it means it won't be on next year.

She'd have to get off her soap box in order to do that, which seems she likes to be on.

Or maybe those kids are just assholes, with parents that toss up every stupid thing they do, to being a teenager, instead of actually teaching them how to be a respectful human being.

Seriously, Who wears pajamas pants out in public?

Seems like they were all a bunch of assholes.

Of course not, but it keep you both honest. Test results don't lie.

I'm just glad you got rid of that jerk :-)

Getting you and your sexual partner tested for HIV or std's every six months, if your sexually active, is missing out on life? I guess I'll just miss out on life then. Good luck.

Hand jobs are useless, for the most part the one giving the handjob doesn't know what they are doing, and it ends up just chafing you. I say this because most guys have a certain way that they materbtate, that allows them to reach orgasm. I mean we've been doing it since we were teenagers, lots of practice so you know

Why would you go bare on a several month long relationship ?!? I mean, forget getting knocked up, what about std's, HIV ? IMO Several months is not long enough to know someone. I mean people lie about everything now adays. Sorry not trying to be all parental with you. It just scary to read how many people have

Outside the United states, news channels are always showing stuff like this. It's just that we censor a lot of it here.

This should be good.

Yeah she had no problem with being friends with the guy when he was promoting her shit all over his website. I think gaga is as shitty as he is. Also this victim card she always plays is getting old.

Is there a racial slur that we call white people, that is the equivalent to the N-word?

yeah, herself.

This shit is too funny.

You apparently like being lied to.

Don't you mean "what the nanny is thinking?"