
I’m pretty sure that’s an accepted format for how you quote a tweet. They’ve had that for a while now since you can really quote anything. I guess “tweet” will be like daguerreotype once the company folds

It’s not always clear *why* kids like that have issues, but given his parents had to accompany him to school everyday I’m guessing he was angry because she wouldn’t let him exhibit severe behaviors (kid wanted to go run around the school, grab her phone and fight for it or attack other students) or or even “I don’t

He probably at least needs to serve some time at a behavioral health facility. It sounds like he’s had problems for a long time 

Yeah I mean in the game they found a bunch of turned soldiers which seems like a waste of resources- wandering out that far into the city wouldn’t have much tactical advantage for the army given their resources, especially when the infected would statistically take care of most people out at this point. Tess got bit

OK Go! doesn’t even really describe what it is. It could be a cleaning product or a ride sharing app. “Cereal with instant milk” would hardly be the first thing I’d think of 

Also the OK Go! cereal isn’t an homage to the band or something (though they’d still likely need permission or have very good cause to call it parody)

“I took the vaccine and bought Twitter for far far more than it was worth”

I’m sure they raped some people but yeah if it was a Jewish woman they would have likely killed her afterwards so that’s not going to show up genetically. Also to have a genetic impact that big you need hundreds of years of systemic rape and the Nazis weren’t in power that long

I didn’t miss it, I was stating you would have been better off stating “white men/gentiles” since Nazis weren’t the correct group. It’s like saying “It’s terrible that the Klu Klux Klan owned slaves” or “Many Africans died on the alt-right ships that brought them to the Americas” it’s just not accurate to the time

It wasn’t Nazis in these cases we’re talking about a variety of gentile peasants/blue collar types from various countries. And they also committed rape because it was “fun” and they had a free pass to do it. From that point of view, raping a “lesser” woman wasn’t much different from having sex in a video game or with

A 4-5 year old heard about abortion in the news and wants to know what it is or wants to come along to a protest or their mom is getting one and they will be worried about why she’s sick. Though words like “resources” would probably be better for a slightly older child. There are plenty of kids books where they talk

I mean I knew what abortion was when I was a kid. I also knew that me and my sister were wanted children (my grandmom posted “Born by CHOICE” in my birth announcement in NOW’s magazine it was great). “I should’ve aborted you” isn’t a pro-choice statement- I’ve heard of plenty of anti-choicers who rant to their

Personally, I’d be more concerned with the slavery/human trafficking Dubai and UAE are associated with than the prices involved. I’m sure plenty of brands are still spending lavishly, but having a bunch of people associated with a country that treats foreign workers that way is scummy. It’s probably good there was

Yup- plus a lot of Jewish people get surgery if their nose looks too “Jewish” or dye their hair blonde due to societal pressures that those features aren’t good looking or are too Jewish much in the way peoples of the African diaspora end up being pressured to have “good” hair or use skin lighteners up to the point

You can usually tell the difference in people that are purely from one area (Sephardic looks a bit more Spanish with darker hair and Mizrahi look way more dark skinned and have fewer people with recessive traits like blonde hair or blue eyes). But people who are ethnically Jewish have a distinct genetic origin that’s

Lol they should’ve included a screencap of when the defense attorney was being interviewed. The pain behind his eyes about the dumbasses he was dealing with....

I got the sense it was a literal flashback to indicate Joel was having some sort of PTSD related episode while he was beating that guy

Yeah I think of this movie whenever I see someone bragging about a high rise apartment

100%. I also wonder what role environmental justice plays in this too because industrial stuff, dumps, any kind of risky location is more likely to be built near communities of color which let off all kinds of dangerous pollutants into the air and groundwater. I can also see that causing increased cancers

Yeah if you just stop a medication without working with a doctor bad things will usually happen or it will at least wipe out any gains