
I don’t think it’s the act of video gaming but some of the other factors like the feeling of false accomplishment (there’s some guys that are so obsessed about how good they are at X video game, but they live with their parents or burn through relationships bc they barely work or exercise or have time to live in the

Yeah that was what I hoped the first time I saw “NPCs in real life”. Those videos are funny. This is just depressing

That would be less depressing than this ‘challenge’

I mean it doesn’t mean that the whole NPC thing/simulation theory isn’t a problematic development. That second kid looked half into school shooter levels of deranged. We’re allowed to kill NPCs in video games and there’s no point in talking to most of them, female NPCs mostly exist as “put a coin in, get sex” devices.

A few look like they could be fun for someone to wear on the red carpet (like the dramatic dress with the big black halo or the quilted bright one), but I don’t think the last one even qualifies as clothes. I feel like the review is more of the male model who, yes, is very hot

JW Anderson’s just looks like they wanted Karen O so much to wear their thing that they put out a casting call for “Karen O type”

Haha best source. No further explanation needed

Women are more into guy/guy romance and guys are more into girl/girl just porn. Like there are so many women that read yaoi or ship/read stuff about male/male relationships (it’s typically the most common type of any title on AO3). Some of those stories can get pretty dirty but they also might just be cuddling or be

Yeah- I wish there were better options for people who have trouble with balance/disabilities there though. Biking is ‘eco’ but I’ll fall right over if I get on a bike 

Yeah I could’ve sworn he’d already left. He’s great though, I just can’t remember any recent sketches. Though they have a tendency to completely their non-Kenan black cast members unless they absolutely need them or a black guest/guest writer is on the show

I mean in a way everything’s made up more or less. Life’s basically a consensus we all try to maintain for 79 odd years 

Yeah it’s not so much that she’s shoeless but the weird way she’s walking and moving and the way she doesn’t seem to care that she’s walking around on the road and sidewalk in bare feet (like someone who’s lost or ruined their shoes would probably be trying to do a minimum of walking and would look tired)

I mean the comics themselves are kind of sexist/misogynistic at times (like most of Ennis’s work) so I’m not surprised there are some fans who are sexist/misogynistic

I like the jeans on him and some of the baseball caps but the jackets are pretty much all ridiculous and way too big. He looks like a little boy playing dress up in his dad’s coat. I think Idris Elba would be the only one to pull some of these off close to that age group. 

Yeah his slow decay from health problems is probably scarier than any of the Crabeater stuff 

Yeah that was the point of the daring crazy plan. Because he wanted to win before the ships got there. Same reason his long tantrum lead into the letter finally being read which was “Sending ships luv you bro”. Though yeah at first I was a bit confused with all the ship wreckage he had to go through. I thought for a

Yeah his character development is strong, it’s just that it’s depressingly downward. His wounds have probably gotten worse and he seems to be both in pain and drinking/probably using “milk of the poppy” (opium) to cope with it. You can see the good(ish) man he was earlier but he’s volatile because of those problems 

I think it’s “Sea Smoke” as you can see in the subtitles (which if I were a reviewer I would always leave on, you can often find extra details like that) so I assumed that was Laenor’s. Dragons only have a select number of riders in their lifetime, you can’t just hop on a dragon like a horse

I mean I don’t envy Gen Z. They all seem so anxious and worried, poor kids

Jesus they keep trying to make it sound better with “You got her a career though. You were a good manager” and “You got her more money though” and she keeps making it sound worse