Apparently it’s pretty typical to have the first AD be the final check and hand off and the armorer checks before that. So doesn’t sound that confusing
Apparently it’s pretty typical to have the first AD be the final check and hand off and the armorer checks before that. So doesn’t sound that confusing
Yes, apparently the assistant director is the one who handed the gun to Baldwin and actually called out “cold gun!” while doing so. There had been multiple complaints about this AD in particular being lax on safety measures across multiple projects
Seriously, if anything this shows that guns *do kill people*. This is a case where no one wanted to kill anyone, no one wanted to actually fire a bullet, and multiple people were actively assigned to not letting the gun kill people and the gun still killed someone. *Blanks* can kill someone because that’s how much…
I feel like Tiffany is maybe the least loved because she gets left out of things. Barron’s practically like his grandkid, I think Donald maybe forgets about him or thinks of him in the same category as Ivanka’s kids. Eric is the least loved of the three “main kids”
I mean, after gay marriage, what’s next? I’m sure there are states that still have anti-miscegenation laws ‘on the books’ or pro-slavery/pro-segregation laws.
Yeah- and apparently this director has talked in the past about working with a previous director of photography to improvise scenes with actors. So Baldwin may have been attempting something while they gave feedback and the trigger slipped
Honestly, being stuck relying on friends has a lot of downsides too. At least with marriage you have a legal way to divide assets once you split up
Maybe this is all some kind of insidious plan to try to claim royalties from all those Ye Olde Shoppe places.
Yeah like... he knows that the Bible wasn’t written in English right? Like everything is translated.
In the movie, there was apparently an alternate ending where the girl gets away but dies and then you see the flowers growing on her grave, about to spread. Which seemed like something that would eventually happen. Or someone important enough would die that the Mexican government would start hassling the natives and…
Oh yeah The Ruins was pretty scary. Especially once it becomes clear they’re super super trapped and everything they’re doing is for nothing and no help is coming.
I’ve read a lot of horror, but personally some of the scariest books for me were by Ira Levin. He’s sooo good at suspense. For horror, I thought the hedge animals in The Shining were pretty scary along with the thing in the playtunnel. For Levin, especially (SPOILERS)
Yeah I think he’s probably been working a ton- and with the schedule of movies that means a lot of time working and away from family. Taking time off for his family and marketing is good self-care
Yeah I think it’s one thing to go to scream or ogle women and another thing to just chill. Also, for whatever reason I tend to have a lot of straight friends so if I want to have company when I go they’re going to have to come with
Yeah apparently part of what kicked this all off was a parent angry their student had been sent home a “how to be anti-racist” book. And statistically a lot of the people in charge probably grew up with textbooks that talked about how happy the slaves were blah blah blah ugh ugh ugh. Though I’ve also seen parents…
Yeah, the only time you need to teach the perspective of the Nazis and their ilk is deep into college when the concept of “The Holocaust, slavery, the Native American genocide etc. was unforgiveable” is properly entrenched in your brain
Heck, if she miscarried when forced to work around harmful chemicals or defying doctor’s orders that would just be “good business” or she’d be at fault for working, not her employers
Heck, if she was an addict she might have used before she found out she was pregnant and any damage could date from way back then. Also, this seems like a reason *for* abortion. Not every addict is going to be ready to kick a drug habit for an unexpected pregnancy. Aborting when addicted should be considered a…
I mean at this point I just assume any man I like might potentially be cancelled at this point and try to accept it. Rahul Kohli? With my luck. Tom Hiddleston? Who knows. Just enjoy people while you can I guess.
Didn’t Jon get aged up because of sci fi nonsense? I’m still kind of bitter about that, he still had plenty of storylines for growing up. And I can’t tell how much of this “X character is gay/bi” headline crap is the media vs. DC. Like “Robin is bi” wasn’t even really true if you knew the comics since Tim is currently…