
Yeah, the only time you need to teach the perspective of the Nazis and their ilk is deep into college when the concept of “The Holocaust, slavery, the Native American genocide etc. was unforgiveable” is properly entrenched in your brain

Heck, if she miscarried when forced to work around harmful chemicals or defying doctor’s orders that would just be “good business” or she’d be at fault for working, not her employers

Heck, if she was an addict she might have used before she found out she was pregnant and any damage could date from way back then. Also, this seems like a reason *for* abortion. Not every addict is going to be ready to kick a drug habit for an unexpected pregnancy. Aborting when addicted should be considered a

I mean at this point I just assume any man I like might potentially be cancelled at this point and try to accept it. Rahul Kohli? With my luck. Tom Hiddleston? Who knows. Just enjoy people while you can I guess. 

Didn’t Jon get aged up because of sci fi nonsense? I’m still kind of bitter about that, he still had plenty of storylines for growing up. And I can’t tell how much of this “X character is gay/bi” headline crap is the media vs. DC. Like “Robin is bi” wasn’t even really true if you knew the comics since Tim is currently

Yeah Jennifer Aniston is a petite, skinny lady. The snatched waist is ridiculous as a default, but probably accurate for her

She looks like their 1st female ghost firefighter instead. WTF- and that had to be deliberate because it looks smudged and was taken from a direct photo reference

Right now it doesn’t seem much different than safety features present in a lot of new cars (or even less useful since the lane keeping assistance, emergency braking and crosstraffic alerts are meant to be for when you *aren’t* paying attention). Heck, you’d probably have more utility putting out more cars with “duck

Yeah pet dogs being killed is a lot different than feral/wild dogs. There’s a dog that dies in Riding the Bullet and it’s a lot different than the dog that dies in Black Mass because it’s a nasty feral thing

Yeah if they got stuck out of the country during COVID they may have been unable to go back for the car

Yeah, with the pandemic involved it’s especially likely that some of these people are dead. Or if they traveled internationally and got stuck there somehow 

It doesn’t even sound like a very expensive toy. Those missiles/bullets get lost or broken all the time

Yeah- that and the “white savior complex” criticism made absolutely no sense in the context of the kidney thing- the only person that Dorland knew she helped was a white Orthodox Jewish man.  Larson just inserted her personal issues into her dislike of Dorland 

They don’t actually care about POCs- that’s why they’re perfectly ok with WOC having their babies taken away post birth because they can’t pay the electric bill or because they were using drugs when they were forced to keep a pregnancy. The whole idea is to get more children in the foster system so they can be

Heck, there’s literally a line in the Bible saying that if you hit a pregnant woman in the stomach, it doesn’t count as murder or even as much as grabbing a guy by the nuts (I think the idea is you can have another baby, but the means of production are more unique... or misogyny). The Romans also had readily available

Which one was the dresser one again? I can’t find it

Looks like a good time for a time jump. That’s the nice thing about teen characters- they age

Oh yeah I thought that was Madison too. There just wasn’t much context for what you were looking at and they look similar

I was *so* confused what decade it was with the clear 90s labeling of the hospital scene and the fact that most of the stuff with Madison looked 70s. Maybe on purpose but weird once it was revealed that it was actually recent. Why did everything look like the 70s?

Yeah this has annoyed me for a while. There are a ton of great Jewish actresses and actors working in Hollywood, but they typically don’t get cast in major “Jewish” roles. A male example is when they cast Daniel Craig to play a Jewish resistance fighter.