
Do you have a link? And Grant did all that with a major alcohol problem which is extra impressive

I just found some annoying bugs with LiS2 that got super irritating

Especially all this coupled with 2 stays in rehab and a relapse. I’ve heard you’re not supposed to get into relationships in recovery and the timeline just makes it seem like he’s having some kind of mid life crisis

Yeah, he even directly told them at a certain point to vote for Hillary and they didn’t listen. Which is really scary

Honestly, the lions don’t even look realistic because they don’t have lion expressions- which are more in the “I want to kill that. Can I kill that? Hmm I’m hungry” vein and don’t really work for anthropomorphized characters.

Exactly- given the possible effects of long COVID, they’re putting vaccinated players at risk of ruining their bodies. The only part I don’t agree with is seating them with staffers- that’s unfair to the staff. They should fly separately

Yeah I wasn’t a huge fan the one time I went there. Saladworks was tastier 

It wasn’t even fun bad. Just a waste of money and talent 

Hoping this is good! I was disappointed by American Horror Stories (and I wasn’t expecting much). I liked his Arcadia universe shows on Netflix

Yeah he’s more of a misogynist than a true incel

Heck, credit as a concept is actually pretty old- it used to be a system with your name in a book back in the like 18th century and business people would share information about how well that person was paying back what they owed. I wouldn’t be surprised if even back then, you got less access if you were a Free Black

Since it’s worse with the working class, I’m guessing also these kids might be home alone or very minimally supervised while their parents work long hours. There are rural villages filled with children staying with a grandparent or alone while both their parents work somewhere else and send home money 

China is a very large, influential world figure that has been aggressively increasing its control in places like Hong Kong. It absolutely matters to the world what China does, just like the rest of the world reacts to our healthcare, gun violence, and politics. Many, many people are directly affected by this and many

China’s made some pretty scary moves this year to limit general consumer activities. They’ve been cracking down on popular celebrities/idol culture along with mentions of the “lie flat” movement 

When you’re *really* white

Gotta love all the updates on this article- breaking news, we are coming to you live from McDonalds where they are now offering all day hashbrowns. I do love hashbrows though so I wish they’d advertise which McDs are doing it. Hashbrowns are like crunchier fries

Odin and Frigga were the only ones who got more than one movie. Odin at least got 3. I haven’t seen the second WW but her mom might be in that too. But generally yeah pretty small roles. Odin at least gets to be a blustery jerk but still. That and parental figures like Aunt May or Alfred who get somewhat minor roles

Yeah I’m guessing either Cyborg or Aquaman’s mom? Neither of their mothers are very significant in the comics so it would have been a small role. And yeah maybe Antman’s original script

True- though I don’t know what they’re planning for Batman. If they’re going to try to keep using Robert Pattinson, then they might want a Catwoman closer to his age (probably not a factor for Poison Ivy as she has superpowers- Catwoman’s just a human good at fighting). She would have been a good Catwoman for Ben

It’s hard to tell bc we don’t get his wife’s side of the story. They could both have thought this through and be dedicated to it or she could be the type who has a hard time saying what she wants and he’s the type who steamrolls everyone and only hears what he’s saying. If every therapist is counseling them to get a