It was great though they’re taking it off hulu soon. Not sure where’s it is going after that. I thought the teens acted slightly more like teens than in a lot of teen shows, but it was still dramatic
It was great though they’re taking it off hulu soon. Not sure where’s it is going after that. I thought the teens acted slightly more like teens than in a lot of teen shows, but it was still dramatic
Yeah the main appeal of the show was the Dynasty antics of Blake Lively and Leighton Meester so a show that was just them clashing at a PR firm or whatever would be great. And I don’t know, Blair has POC kids because Chuck Bass was struck by a falling plot device (as the actor is an actual jerk) and she remarried.
I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason he married her without a prenup was because he was thinking he might have to someday do this if he got found out. But she definitely was involved with the fake divorce thing
She took it before the bankruptcy so it seems like she took most of the money to protect it from the settlement
The issue is they got fake divorced where she conveniently took all his money so he was “broke”. You’re not supposed to do that.
Yeah especially with the 3 women he got pregnant within the span of a year. What are the chances he actually has time to take care of them when they’re pregnant or to change diapers or to be there enough for all kids to recognize him more than a distant uncle? Throwing money at the problem doesn’t solve the question…
I mean that’s kind of why there are speed limits - if he’d been doing 50 miles per hour, everyone in that car would still be alive
I mean lots of people get divorced for all kinds of reasons even after 20 or 30 years (those are always really sad). But I think there’s space in between to discuss how these things are hard on families sometimes- my parents have functional but still very stressful mental health conditions at times and it can weigh on…
Obviously part of it should be that if it’s something they’d ticket you for, use more traffic cameras at license plate level and send a bill to the address attached to that car’s registration.
Yeah that’s the hard part of loving someone with a mental illness- and it’s rarely as simple as “leave them”. There was an episode of Monsterland that touched on this (with a WLW couple!), but unfortunately since that’s horror it was terribly depressing and kind of triggering with the way they depicted suicide
I seriously am wondering what happened to that parrot. Two years is not a very long time to have an African grey. That’s like having a mouse for 10 minutes and saying “tragically the mouse has passed away in a freak accident”
Seriously- it’s stopped navigating to the exact comment notifications are about which makes following conversation threads very challenging on posts with lots of comments.
Seriously, I don’t know what guilty person would just admit they did something bad- the fact he admitted to the verbal abuse is bad enough considering he was a guy who worked primarily with minors. Makes me think about some of those outtakes of the Disney wand promos where some of the actors are almost at the point of…
I mean the main character dying and eliminating all white magic threats really makes it hard to follow up. The alternate idea history thing they were thinking of for the second season seems like a totally different show. I did like the show though
Yeah- the 2000s was really a weird time for women’s sexuality. There were a lot of things focusing on teen moms, sometimes in a weird “don’t worry we’re feminist” way. I don’t think Juno has aged great either- it’s like a fantasy of the calm, mature teen mom meant to provide babies to strangers with zero emotional…
Yeah- her getting pregnant and giving up her rock star dreams was a depressing end for her character. I don’t get that show’s obsession with having every woman accidentally get pregnant. Did none of them understand condoms?
She looks a little older on Prodigal Son- but the lighting on that show is weird, it makes a lot of people look a million years old
Yeah- she could have literally been Alexis’s college professor or counselor. That’s a huge difference in maturity
True, though I mean some sharing may be necessary to quiet the people who will jump to “he’s a horrible abusive parent and must be canceled” and begin harassing him/his family. One of the downsides of getting the Internet involved.
Fred still ended up on the Wall. The Eyes had him and he died with them. That makes the question of a trial and guilt simple (the Commanders were the only group they tended to be lenient to). They don’t get Serena or the baby but they make an example out of him for talking.