
It would've been nice to see that. Previously, they were pretty great about showing the scientific process Ravi was going through and making it dramatic.

It was a relief that they made Krieger not pro-Nazi considering we have way too many pro-Nazi people these days anyway. This twist was great.

I was most concerned about how the heck they got lube. Is that a standard issue thing Kingsmen carry?

I mean, I'm pretty sure almost all presidential candidates really want to be president as a large motivating factor.

Hey, Bill Clinton became stressed because he accurately predicted neo-Nazis were going to win. That's a dark campaign, man.

I mean the man murdered *children* and an astronaut.

"I'm a big Howard Stern fan". Really? Those exist. Ugh.

Yeah, and even women without those can have a certain amount of facial hair. I have to pluck near my chin and lips (ouch) every so often and some friends of mine border on having a mustache.

They are both pretty tired. I wonder if Jews dislike Jacob more. I've been to a lot of Bar Mitzvahs and only 1 or 2 boys were something like him. It's this very nebbishy stereotype of Jews.

The sketch needed to be a touch darker to remind everyone of how nasty the Civil War was and make the silly modern song stand out more. That's what sets the truly good sketch comedy apart from SNL. It can go way darker.

I respectfully disagree about Jacob the Bar Mitzvah boy. I think it gets tiresome, and it's weird how the cast members have to pretend 'he' is cute, when it's actually a grown woman. If they do it again, they're going to have to shake it up a bit. Maybe he could have a friend who is one of those rude popular Jewish

No, that's part of the theory of eugenics. The "good kind" of people don't breed enough and the "bad kind" breed too much and that's going to cause societal devolution. That's the founding concept of it. The proposed solutions are all offshoots of the central theory.

That's what I find scary about it. It's very effective propaganda. I saw a lot of people on the March for Science who expressed similar views and also said few scientists had actually historically supported eugenics. We really need the history of eugenics taught a lot more in our schools….

Really even just upping sex ed, access to birth control and abortion would have a huge impact. You could also work on showing more portrayals of women that aren't linked to their sexuality or being used as sexual objects to decrease teen pregnancies linked to "I guess this is what we're supposed to do".

Blackface and "yes massa" style buffoonery were once considered jokes. Humor can often be political.

The biggest problem with Idiocracy is the eugenics bit at the beginning that blames the stupidity epidemic on 'stupid' people breeding more than smart ones. When really it's a combination of education and what we show as valuable traits in our media.

Nah, this particular lady is a bitch and has enough creative control that they can't really show her flaws. Also, wasn't The Founder and Wolf of Wall Street also supposed to be critical of them?

Some women have to shave their face too occasionally.

It tastes like tomato sauce on cardboard. You can get cheap, real pizza from any smaller pizza place. Hell, frozen pizza usually tastes better than Pizza Hut.