In the half a second it took to read that headline, I experienced all 5 stages of grief in reverse.
In the half a second it took to read that headline, I experienced all 5 stages of grief in reverse.
1. Iron Maiden - Brave New World
I was introduced to scrapple by my farmboy roommate when I was in college, down in Maryland. I immediately fell in love with thin slicing and pan-frying it as a side with eggs.
Holy shit, what did you do to make those guardians chase you that far? Are they just jealous of rad rides?
Came here to post this exact nonsense, but for the i8.
I wish I could give you two stars. One for a Rocky Horror reference, and the second for deploying it perfectly.
Driving home to Jersey from Pittsburg with my friends one summer, some asshole cut me off three times in 5 minutes. The guy blew past his yield sign when we were merging onto 76 and would have t-boned us if I hadn’t slammed on the brakes. There were only two lanes so the guy nearly hit us twice while passing trucks.
This is exactly how I feel about my scrappy little ex 500. I bought that bike right after I completed the MSF course 7 years ago. I still remember all the supersport bros in my class telling me that it was too small, even for a starter bike, but I still feel like I haven’t outgrown it.
Let me tell you about the sisyphean ordeal me and part of my polycule went through to try and see Hamilton. I should note that all driving was done in my ‘09 Eclipse.
I went to a magnet high school that was part of a large county schools campus. The parking lot we used was actually divided by a guardrail because the other side was used by the police academy as a practice space. This meant that we were always on best behavior while the recruits would be doing burnouts and practicing…