it’s populated by the same people who comment on youtube videos.
it’s populated by the same people who comment on youtube videos.
I am referring to the sound of my heart exploding in agony and grief—but the most chilling moment, perhaps, came at the beginning of the episode, from the mouth of a 3-year-old British gentleman by the name of Max Hermer.
“That’s actually a big part of this rapist’s technique. He banked on it and it’ll probably work out in his favor.”
“rapey” is a term for things considered rape-like,right? if so then i’d call his actions rape since that’s what he did to the survivors.
if a person can beat another human being ,they can rape them too.
so cute i could pinch you (gently,of course!).
the gall to touch another human being with that intent in mind is just mind-blowing. as if she’s a child...
i couldn’t live without reading.
she’s just learning,yet again,that abuse equals power. no wonder she’s messed up.
very informative post. i never viewed hair-cutting as gendered violence (unlike with hair-pulling).
pretty cool!
I’m super happy that thick ass brows are trendy right now
i don’t see myself as a “victim” whenever i deal with racio-misogyny/misogynoir.
of course you don’t refer to white people as the “ethnic majority”. that’s the problem. i wonder how many times i’m going to inform people that the preferred term is ‘people of color’? i also wonder how many times i’ll be whitesplained to about it. who coined that damn term,anyway?
have you ever used the term “ethnic majority”?
no white person should ever play MLK Jr or any other historical poc figures. it perverts the realities of what they overcame and made possible for present-day poc. a white person in the role of a poc is regressive—not progressive. also,we do not need to transcend race but racism.
i have o.c.d. and a “sick” since of human so i don’t mind at all.
yeah,i have o.c.d. but i find things like this funny.
i have o.c.d. and i’m not offended at all.
i’m dead.