girl,you handled that! white women like her always gotta attempt to derail shit and interject themselves into situations concerning woc.
girl,you handled that! white women like her always gotta attempt to derail shit and interject themselves into situations concerning woc.
thx a bunch! very cute name,btw.
and as if both isms don’t intersect...
i prefer* blatant racism myself. that subtle shit cuts too deep...
entertaining for the tomato-centered names tho!
brown women were excluded from that stale ass party too.
brown women were barred from entering that wack ass party too.
hell yes,i agree!
lol,man. lol. a black woman’s attacked by a man and her actions are called into question on a white liberal website? i’m shocked. where are the main white jezzies offering solidarity? they are suspiciously absent (perhaps anonymously co-signing the racio-misogyny?) Ain’t She A Woman,white women?
lol,man. lol. a black woman’s attacked by a man and her actions are called into question on a white liberal website? i’m shocked. where are the main white jezzies offering solidarity? they are suspiciously absent (perhaps anonymously co-signing the racio-misogyny?) Ain’t She A Woman,white women?
yes. it does matter what’s in their hearts as well as their actions. it’s not an either-or situation for me. in my opinion,she’s pandering for the black vote. i believe that her true colors came out during President Barack Obama’s run for president.
heeheehee! that name tho.
do you recall the song name?
so not funny for its racism. the “black men have big penises” myth can not be removed from its racist application of the mandingo stereotype (which is basically that black men are rapists with their huge penises who fiendishly lust after white women and girls. that stereotype was why many a black man/boy were lynched.…
he was!
borgohuris more in depth response:
Screaming rarely works.
what the fuck? you know what? i’ll keep on viewing them as harmless and strange and look at the animal abusers as perverts on the outskirts trying to legitimize their depravity (like pedophiles with the lgbt community).