is that algae growing on it’s cute self?
is that algae growing on it’s cute self?
i’m dead!
aw! the position of your feet and that turtle not caring about the position they’re sleeping in.
i’m dead from the cuteness.
this whole thing is cute. you minding your own business when along comes a turtle rolling over ya and you worried about the law coming after ya. i’m dead.
yeah. i ventured to a yahoo article about the beautiful michelle in vera wang intending to gloat at the jealousy fueled by racism/sexism but that was not to be. i was shocked that i could be appalled at the level of racism festering within those people. the fact of there not being any racial slurs—deleted by…
she is lovely and he’s surprisingly likable and warm here. what a sweet video that’s going on my playlist.
lol! to me,she looks like she’s seriously encouraging us to reach for the stars.
i thought that he was straining,lol.
this is beautiful and inspiring.
i shouldn’t have been banned in the first place. moving on. i’ve actually done what you’ve suggested several times before and it surprisingly works (it also helps when someone else has responded to whatever post i find problematic with a view similar to mine that i then can recommend).
it’s not an effective way to have a discussion on here but it proved my point and lessened my anger.
i wanted to see how quickly the jezzies rallied in defense of two white women (which they did rather quickly) vs how little few of them rallied in defense of the smith kids. i’d had enough of the casually racist,judgmental vitriol thrown at two innocent kids in the articles proceeding the two jlaw/lena d ones that i…
nopety nope. my still open acct was banned from jezebel after leaving mean comments about jlaw and lena d’s looks. they were pretty mean (comparisons to barnyard animals for both and sexual deviants for only lena) but my acct didn’t have to be banned.
ooo,girl... i don’t order anything edible from no website. speak with your doctor and have them administer a test to see if everything’s alright. hopefully,it works out fine for ya.
what’s funny is they’d have all the black/poc friends they want—if they weren’t racist.
like how does that work outside of how “i have a black friend” is usually used? you and your best friend’ll be eating,say, a dessert and you’ll just say it?! you are a successful DOCTOR whose married with children. CERTAINLY not their idea (and hope) of a woman whose had an abortion.
and you have a right to find peace in the death of such an evil person. the killer had no right to destroy your friend’s nor their loved ones lives. i hope that wherever your friend is that they’re at peace and that you and their loved ones are too.