cats a'silenced by white liberals

Having grown up among the sort of people who consider Randall Terry a hero, it’s depressingly accurate as far as my own experience is concerned.

I’m thinking I’ll buy them from somewhere like Dancing Deer for this very reason - the goodies come pre-packaged.

*trying to catch breath* *failing miserably*

I have IBS! Use me as a cannon! (god, I hope I never have occasion to say that again...)

The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion is one of my favorite things ever.

Plus they’d be holding all those misleading signs and giggling. I like this idea.

I was thinking Legionella, with the same sort disclaimer. Something that could be attributed to the will of the almighty.

Farting for Choice!

Now playing

Gynotician: (n) One who studies the mathematical logic and process by which juicy gotcha crazy.

I regret that I have but one fucked up gastrointestinal system to give for my country!

I did throw up a little in my mouth, but we can do this thing.

I’d really like to see pro-PP rallies organized asap. I'll gladly go stand outside mine and preach the gospel of choice and health.

I’m down with the program! *goes off to make three-bean Firehouse chili with extra sour cream topping for guaranteed lactose-intolerant horror farts*

If we can get a large enough group of us, and a stockpile of beans there’s always flatulence. From one asshole to another. Literally.

I helped organize nationwide coalition protests a couple of years ago and there are still frequent demonstrations about reproductive rights and other women’s issues. Jezebel and other mainstream sites don’t cover feminist organizing for some reason. But if you really do want to get involved, I'm sure you can find an

What do we want?!

And that some of the men have pressured women into having abortions, or at the very least enthusiastically supported their choice to have one. The only moral abortion is my abortion. Every damned time.

Bloody hell, as soon as the audio came on my reaction was ‘Oh, For fuck’s sake’. Fuck these assholes. Planned Parenthood is often the first-and many times the only-port of call for women to get access to decent lady care. FUCK THESE ASSHOLES. Time to start a nationwide protest against the stupidity that drives this

UGH. I’m not in the country right now, but when I get back I’m bringing my local Planned Parenthood loads and loads of yummy baked goods to thank them for all their work and for putting up with this crap.

I guaran-damn-tee that at least some of the women, maybe even a lot of the women, at these protests have had an abortion. Maybe even through Planned Parenthood.