cats a'silenced by white liberals

I really don’t. But sometimes his combover looks distinctly rusty?

Do you really think Trump might have his red wings?

I’m so sorry. I was thinking about little whatsup’s comments about the origins of your family unit when I emailed my niece at camp this morning. I hope you have a good support system. I know an internet stranger hug doesn’t quite cut it, but you can have all my virtual ice cream, tissues and support.


Because if he died, they might stop getting paid, and who can afford that in this economy?

Well then why does someone keep waking him up?

We always find our true strength during our toughest ordeals. Hangovers = Almighty power.

I fought a hangover by not going to sleep and now I’m omnipotent!!!


If there was blood coming out of her eyes it was because they were bleeding having to look at his anus face.

you, me, both......i lost appetite

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Because he probably did. Always look for the simple answer and save the headache.

he also thinks women like him because he is good looking......


Yet 3 wives and 2 daughters haven't gone crazy enough to use his toupee to choke him during their monthly visits.

“has this issue every month”