cats a'silenced by white liberals

Um, actually lots of people are insinuating she killed herself because of weed in her system. What planet are you living on? And why are you so sure that she killed herself exactly? Oh, because you don’t want to believe that law enforcement officers killed another black person? I feel so bad for you.

Right but just saying that someone was high is not reason to assume they killed themselves. It’s not proof at all.

You’re expecting logic from people that don’t use it. On team She Deserved It, they aren’t even sure why she got pulled over (they can’t be bothered to watch the video learns some facts), so why not label her as a DUI? Anything to make her less sympathetic.

According to the prisoner in the next cell, who could not see her, Sandra was alone and crying.

“3 times the legal limit of thc to drive in washington and colorado.”

They’re relevant in the sense that some people involved in the investigation will at the very least point to the fact that she had EVER used marijuana as some sort of character assassination.

So it sounds plausible that she had a big ‘ole smoke party, with some strong, good shit, in the jail? Not to me.

I adored Mat Fraser in AHS Freakshow. (The only one I’ve seen of the various incarnations of the show, and I love love loved it.) Then I went on to watch his videos on the AHS website, and down the internet rabbit hole to read about his career and activism.

But the amount they are claiming was in her system is too much for someone to just have normally smoked it. It’s so much that she would have had to eat it. From my stoner friends: The amount in half a pan of brownies. Not one brownie. Not two. Half a pan. Which would make you sick if you tried to eat it, especially

I sometimes have issues opening a bag of Doritos when I’m super stoned, let alone make a noose out a plastic bag strong enough to hold my weight.

While Bland’s postmortem THC levels are certainly relevant to the ongoing investigation into her death

Well, case closed then, it was Reefer Madness that killed Sandra Bland. Pack it up, we can all go home now. Nothing to see here. SMH.

It doesn’t matter.

Completely agreed, but successful commit suicide? That’s super extreme.

I would love (LOVE) to see figures on how much of the general public has THC in their system at any given time

The reaction to Cecil the lion’s death makes me even sadder about this situation, which I didn’t think were possible.

Not bothered to comment on the THC levels because fuck that, it’s irrelevant character assassination

They are desperate to make her death justifiable. What better slander than a calling her a drugged up, Debbie Downer hellbent on self destruction. I’m surprised no one sprinkled crack on her.

Two Rupert Murdoch properties smearing a dead black woman?

So they’re trying to imply she got high and killed herself? Did they get all of their information on the effects of marijuana from Reefer Madness?

How does this even matter? Even if she was high out of her tree at the time, I find it extremely unlikely she would have killed herself. Being high off marijuana does not make someone suicidal out of thin air. This sounds like people, who do not smoke weed, weret grasping at straws and trying to make people believe