cats a'silenced by white liberals

Need additional reporting...I have so many questions.

1) Is MG punking us or is this a serious song? (Both valid options, IMO.)
2) Will we be hearing this on the radio? It’s pretty catchy.
3) If yes to question 2, will the Christian right freak out because female sexuality is the devil?

With that in mind, the true test is when Jen Welter loses her job and is hired again.

I love when people complain that women coaches haven’t played the sport they’re coaching. Nobody whines that Geno Auriemma never played basketball, but he’s a man, so of course he understands it on a deep level.

It makes me sick but I actually agreed with something Mike Greenberg of Mike And Mike said this morning ( don’t judge there isn’t a lot to listen to down here on the way to work and my data is near the cap so no phone streaming). You know who never played in the NFL? Bill Belichick. You know who never played in the

Yeah, an FB friend posted a link to this cover, and the ensuing comments were like a game of Rape Apologia Bingo with a Cosby Edition expansion pack.

God, it’s delicious over there. I need their male tears to fuel my righteous female anger.

So the woman on the left in that first GIF...embarrassed wife, right? “Bob, sit your ass down.”

You, I think I like you.

I bet you read the comments on YouTube too, dontcha you sicko?

You’re right! And somehow this makes it even funnier to me.

ahahahaha it took me a bit but i think the hand belongs to the woman on the very bottom left

What the hell is this lady in the last gif doing? Is she sadly conducting an invisible band? Is she making vaguely obscene gestures? Is that a look of concern on her face or is she just truly embarrassed? I kind of got to know, random lady. What is your deal?

I’m a masochist.

god why would you ever go there

Meanwhile, over in the comments section...


Anecdata: I posted this on google+, and within hours some troglodyte had found my post and made some gross comment about messy slags or some bullshit. Some people will never, ever be convinced because believing that women get what they have coming to them is a core tenet of their belief system.

This is such an incredible cover. I keep coming back to it and staring at it, and I have to remind myself that this isn’t even all of the women who accused him. And the looks of determination on their faces...this needs to be in front of everyone who had the nerve to defend this monster.