cats a'silenced by white liberals

Your raw chicken like body is homely. Serena is Goddess.

Yessss.. If you’ve ever read the bible you would know it’s bile as fuck.. That made up God would want us to mutilate our bodies for survival, own people as slaves, kill our own children, just to name a few of his bull shit laws.

And the dress was actually light blue and brown according to photoshop. idk what your point is? Even if there is no actual brown according to photoshop, it still looks very brown to me. The second one looks pretty silver, but the first one and the last one do not.
Plus, the comment that she deleted, that she wishes she

Please read some of the other comments directed towards you regarding the complex issues around that.

Change her features for the photoshoot? What are you talking about? who suggested that? You said those are her “natural” facial features, I said that was lie. Looks like this is coming down to you tripping over yoursyourself to excuse her inappropriateness. Carry on.

Because she is a woman, she is by definition “built like a woman.” The factory offers more than just one model.

I mean, maybe the color on my laptop is off? Maybe this really is another #thedress, and everyone is going to see it different because of monitor differences? To me, I see purple hues, and I obviously see the metallic but it’s also very very brown to me. Like if you took away the metallic, I’ve seen PoC with very

I’m saying, she was going for the “edgy” black girl “look”, in that last picture...which is why she deleted it. Something doesn’t have to be as blatant as the pic you posted, for it to be inappropriate.

Serena is beautiful but she is very strong and athletic looking (which she should given that she’s an athlete and all) but we live in a culture were beautiful women are weak which is stupid

First of all I’m trivializing nothing. I am mentioning the very real phenomena of phenotypes that are linked to blackness in this country only being considered acceptable when a white person is wearing them. That is not trivial it’s real, and it’s a serious problem.

If you want to express the beauty of dark skin and full lips then find someone with dark skin and full lips rather than this paint high school dropout then talk about the beauty of dark skin and full lips.

You ought to look at how goddesses were depicted in Hellenic and Renaissance art. They’d probably look like linebackers to you though.

Says a commenter that Serena would not notice if they were a crowd of 1.

Linebacker? Homely? Mkay, no.

Honestly, that last picture is blackface. What does it look like to you?

I can assure everyone that black people don’t look like creepy, sparkly Twilight vampires. If anything, Kylie looks like a bronzed Data.

To skinny white chicks, yes. To anyone who knows of Serena Williams and her goddess body..... absolutely not.

Sadly I’ve to come realize that apparently in our society every leg that’s not a stick leg is a “thick” leg.

I showed the picture to my parents and they said blackface. She looks like a silver robot to me. That is in the first two pictures she looks like a robot. The third picture does look like blackface to me.

Those are thick legs??