cats a'silenced by white liberals

I feel like you're intentionally missing all of the points that are being made here, so I'm done.

Oh, there are plenty of valid reasons to hate on Jehovah's Witnesses (particularly their Catholic Church level of covering up childhood sexual abuse)

The privilege is the privilege of not realizing how threatening your actions might appear. Because he doesn’t walk around being hyper aware of who’s around him and if someone is following him, he didn’t realize how likely it is that a woman would be more aware than he could imagine and might be aware of and freaked

Male privilege is not (just) a list of things men do that women can’t. It’s a whole headspace that says “you do what you need to do, and it doesn’t matter how that makes the woman you’re doing it to feel.”

That’s not true though. Selena wasn’t a practicing Jehovah’s Witness. The bullet severed an artery in her shoulder. The doctors gave her blood transfusions in the hospital. Her father requested that they stop, but the doctors didn’t know about his request, so they continued to try to resuscitate her, including more

The intent doesn’t matter, because if the woman noticed that he was following her, then I promise you the thought was at the very least in the back of her mind that this stranger following her may want to hurt her. It was shitty of him to put someone in that position to be afraid, and it was absolutely male privilege

Yeah! That’s so true!

Revision: WHITE male privilege. Imagine if Idris Elba tried that shit “to prepare for a role.”

You didn’t get my point. It’s typical male privilege to not overthink their actions towards certain circumstances which include dangerous and scary situations for women. A strange man following a woman around (probably by night) is something a lot of women are fucking scared of and this idiot acting as if this wasn’t

Method acting. Preparing for a military role.

All the nope.

Women can also stalk, but I think the privilege here is in his not immediately realizing that to be a woman with a strange man following you is incredibly frightening, which is why he also didn’t realize how fucked up it was to potentially make a stranger feel unsafe — because he doesn’t have to think in those terms

Is that cat marching?

The issue is the lady doesn’t know his intent wasn’t malicious, so he still might have made her feel unsafe, which is shitty.

I wanted to respond with a Ministry of Silly Walks gif, but seemed to have gotten this instead. It’ll do.

No. It’s gross. He should have gotten his wife or a friend to be a pretend victim.

My dislike of this guy grows every time he opens his mouth. I can’t believe he thought this was an okay thing to do. :|

His intent doesn't matter.

That’s male privilege in a nutshell! ‘Hahaha, I just, like, thought it would be, like, interesting to, like, follow a woman around for a while, hurhurhur. I didn’t give, like, a single fuck if, like, she noticed it and, like, was scared the fuck out, though, hurhurhur.’

I was in Washington DC once walking past the FBI building as a man walked out of building. He was wearing the hat and trench coat and carrying a briefcase and going roughly in the direction my friend and I were going, so naturally we followed him for 4-5 blocks. Nothing came of it, but we felt like badass spies for 20