cats a'silenced by white liberals

ok, i'm SO sorry that my post isn't in any way related to this but I HAD to share it. So this woman got banned for posting THIS picture on Instagram for her visual rhetoric project :

I parked my ass on my bed to watch an episode at like 11 last night. I haven't seen this show in over a this was me during the opening credits:

Wishbone was a great show - lots of adaptations of classics that somehow featured that excellent dog (I think it was a Jack Russell Terrier) as one of the characters. Very inventive writing.

"...and then 10 minutes later she looks at me and it feels like a threat."

When my cat was little, I would sometimes awaken to her bapping my eyelids because apparently my eyeballs were starting shit by moving under them.

German Shepherd. She tries to kill birds but they are smart enough to stay in the tree.

What kind of dog do you have? My old dog kept our backyard free of animals. Birds and squirrels would need a special permit to be in there.

So, true story, my husband has been doing ride alongs with paramedics for his EMT class. The other night he came home with a story of a man they picked up after a panicked 911 call for a cat attack. Everyone at the station was laughing at the patient who couldn't defend against a simple house-cat, but when they got

I LOVE my cat. She's great. But are we sure these cats of ours are truly domestic felines? Because I swear sometimes I feel like we have a wild animal in the house. Like we just let in some squirrel in from the outdoors. Also, I think she looks at me sometimes and I can tell she truly loves me and then 10 minutes

Exactly. These dogs were all sitting and breathing in these cats' spaces. cat is all, "look at me, I'm sleeping..." I walk by just a bit too thing...pulsing jets of blood spewing from my ankle. ER is like, "sure you didn't try and kill your self..." Cat's laughing her ass off...

Oh shit is this wishbone THE BEST DOG EVER?? I would litchrally run home to watch this show.

Oh, well hello"Team Cat HQ." My apologies, I didn't see you there.

Well if it isn't our arch nemesis!

Agreed. And much better than the ubiquitous yakkity sax. OVER IT.

I just want a button that will add that "punch" sound effect to YouTube videos. This is proof at how much fun it'd be.

I've heard her on radio and read things she's interviewed women about.

Lots of them but I can boil it down to one: She hates other women.

I hate and despise this woman.