cats a'silenced by white liberals

I can respect that. I reviewed the song on my music blog and I dug it, especially Dev's Prince like guitar solo at the end. But I totally understand if you don't like it.

Except, they're South Asian countries, not Southeast. Southeast Asia is Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, etc...

At my day job we just refer to that area as "South" Asia and "Southeast" Asia is Indonesia, Bangladesh, etc. but yeah, India and Pakistan are Asian countries. But I cut people some slack since the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan is basically the border of the Middle East and Asia.

No slack for misplacing India

I laughed.

pakistan nor india are considered part of the middle east :x they're southeast asian countries

It's aiight. I keep waiting to hear "LUDA!!" then Ludacris spittin a phat rhyme. That would make it better...possibly. On its own it's kinda lukewarm. Could be better.

I don't know why so many cute animal videos insist on music. I'd rather here the rustling, barking, purring, and the like!

Don't feel too bad- my hair stylist was surprised when I told her India was humid. She said, "but in Aladdin [Disney cartoon version] there's so much sand!"

It reminds me of parts of New Zealand.

Get bent

I love me some snark, and this was equal parts enraging and inspiring depending which column I read: Bristol makes me despair for humanity, Malala erases my despair with hope. My only criticism: I was put off by indirectly calling Bristol a slut, even if it was in the context of "accused of..."

of the person, I mean, not the institution

Dropped out of community college:

Did anyone else see this picture and wonder "Why is Sarah/Numi Newlin in an article with Malala Yousafzai?"

Who'da thunk you could make a whole career out of telling people not to experience life? Everything else aside, Malala has a very pro-active message, and Bristol a... well, a very conservative message. There's little inspiration to be had in advocating for some vague notion of 'purity'.

This feels a bit like comparing Barbie with Hilary Clinton - both around the same age and female, but that's where the similarities end. It does a disservice Malala and all other campaigning females. Malala isn't awesome because she's compared to Bristol Palin. Malala is awesome full stop.

Shot in the head by Terrorists: Malala - Yes. Bristol - Ew!

You forgot one.