cats a'silenced by white liberals

Even if his friend did serve 3 full years in prison for downloading child porn, I still fail to see why that's deserving of sympathy and a reasonable defense against imprisoning child porn defenders. Then again, I'm not a 60 something year old white male pedophile who supports keeping other 60 sonething year old white

My son has this shirt:

I love your username!

That's my biggest pet peeve. Why, exactly, was childcare only coming out of her check?

But many others of them are working women whose income didn't make sense after the cost of childcare and work-related expenses.

Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and

Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody, would never touch a child,

Well, those 60-year-old white guys DO all look alike.

Anybody else want to start a pool on when Grisham himself gets busted?

I have been looking online for porn since I was 13 years old. Never once have I accidentally clicked on a link that sent me to pictures and videos of child pornography. Not even when I was drunk.

"He shouldn't 'a done it. It was stupid, but it wasn't 10-year-old boys."

Not to mention that I think the "normal" response to a situation like this, even if it involves a friend, is to not excuse or mitigate it in any way, but to be totally fucking horrified. On every level.

I was talking to a male friend recently who admitted to me that it's getting harder for him to enjoy porn because the girls on even mainstream sites just keep looking younger and younger and it squicks him out too much to get off on it. I appreciate that he was grossed out by the idea of abusing girls and not

"We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody"

Go to fucking hell, John Grisham.

You know, the driver had a couple of drinks and never meant to run over a Grisham. He was just driving around looking for other stuff and there he was, a Grisham.

Yes (sarcasm), because childhood sexual abuse is totally an "accident." I call fucking bullshit on this. These monsters, they don't pull shit like this by "accident." Hell to the motherfucking no. They purposely go looking for these images and videos, they purposely go after people they feel are vulnerable, they purpos

Um, someone really should check John Grisham's computer. Btw, I've gotten drunk many a time and I've never had the impulse to look at 16 year old girls getting raped. I'm so sick of these drunk excuses.

I got a lawyer to shut up once. He was originally from the Great White North. We are in Northern California. I got on the elevator one morning with my full-length coat and backpack (it was winter, rainy and cold). He shook his head condescendingly and said, "You Californians. You have no idea what real weather is

I hope someone "accidentally" hits him with a car.