cats a'silenced by white liberals
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If you watch the movie, Vivian goes back into the store and pretty much gives the woman who wouldn't wait on her the finger. This scene is a "don't judge a book by its cover" not a "you deserve to be treated inferior based on your dress".

That's my point?

What I have picked up from this thread is raising non-racist children is not a priority for white people. The inane excuses are very telling.

The point I was making went straight over your head. Not once did I say it was a bad idea for the parents to move to a different place. What I'm saying is that there isn't a place in the world that black people, or in this case a mixed-with-black person, can go where they can avoid dealing with racism, and I also

there you go.

care to elaborate?

Ferguson is run by Democrats, so is NYC and we see how black people are treated.

Personally, I think it's the latter. They would never have to deal with racism PERSONALLY if they had a white child, but now that they have a biracial child, they care all of a sudden. Notice that they said they're not trying to call anyone racist? They're still trying to hold onto their white privilege by not

I really just want to know if they were always planning to move, (because racism) or if they were fine raising a white child in a racist neighborhood. They should still sue, because any way you slice it that clinic fucked up big time, but I'm not buying that this isn't about race as well.

I don't think that Payton's parents are bad people. I'm glad that they're going to move her somewhere that is slightly better. My only point is that POC face racism, even in the "slightly better" areas.

There was no need for clarification though. You said the parents are gonna try to protect their child from intolerance and racism, and I said they can't because no matter where they go, Payton is going to experience intolerance and racism. I never accused you of putting responsibility on Payton. At all.

Hate to break the news to you but "liberal, diverse" places can be just as racist as the deep south. New York is a perfect example with its stop and frisk policies, unnecessary investigations of Muslim people to see if they're terrorists or not, and unarmed black/latinos getting shot or tasered for no good reasons. I

I know what the sentence says. No need to be condescending. I didn't say anything about you putting responsibility on the girl. Where did you get that from? I'm saying that trying to avoid racism by moving from one town to another isn't possible. Full stop.

Ok, but the topic at hand is racism which only people of color go through.

It's still gonna happen no matter how much any person of color tries.

"Also if this mother had a white kid, wouldn't she still want to shield her from intolerance and racism?"

Same here. I know my experience is neither unique nor common, but I've experienced practically no stress from being bi-racial. That said, I have always lived in politically liberal, ethnically diverse areas, and I'm sure that contributed to my never feeling like an odd duck.

Because when your kids are white, you can speak to them about the racial intolerance of others from a safe distance. But when your child is brown and you aren't and no one else is, it's going to be a much, much more painful lesson. The latter is something I would want to avoid if possible, at least early on. The

"Cramblett and Zinkon are planning on moving to a different, more diverse area to try and protect their daughter from intolerance and racism."

As a bi-racial person myself I must say the fear that parents have for their bi-racial children is usually silly (just speaking from experience not all bi-racial people). Black people don't care, and white people can't tell if your Latino, Indian, Greek, Italian, so they also don't care (or hide it in case they are