thanks! i never knew that this was her song too.
thanks! i never knew that this was her song too.
bradley cooper’s non-straight? see! i told my sister that despite him dating too young women that he’s giving me non-straight vibes.
ok. on the saladbowl,the poc jezebel subblog, non-black and white folks use ‘poc’ and its variations interchangeably with no arguments occurring to my knowledge. while i don’t think that every poc is comfortable with said term,i do believe that there is a general agreement (one example is the culturally diverse poc…
i’ve not seen* that before. i’ll just say that i have no problem with white people using poc variations like woc,moc,and qtpoc (queer and trans).
perfecto! i’m using this the next time i come across a post such as mustachemustache’s!
she used a sexist context to get you to see that him having a black fiancee and biracial children doesn’t mean that he can’t be racist/have racially biased views. we can all agree that donald trump is sexist and yet he’s been married to women several times.
sad. i wonder what his deviant mind will take from this experience to his future as a serial rapist? he won’t learn that it was wrong to rape that poor girl—he’ll learn what not to do the next time he chooses to rape a girl or woman. i hope that he’s caught soon enough and that he kills himself cause he will not…
never mind,he benefits from nepotism (which is a form of white supremacy due to the history of u.s. colleges being built by enslaved Ancestors that could not send their children there then later on state-sanctioned discrimination aka segregation.
white people who perpetuate white supremacy no matter how micro/macro make me feel so hopeless, stressed and angry... it’s heartening to see the women receive so much solidarity. that has to feel good when your humanity has been attacked yet again.
*women of color.
that white guy is just as ignorant,imo.
they are so arrogant with their (self) hatred,aren’t they? you hate black women,you hate yourself.
god,that would be perfect!
i’m not surprised by her wisdom at such a young age. the saying “out of the mouths of babes” exists for a reason.
took me some seconds but then i spotted the tuxedo pic.
sure,white male. you’re just the greatest feminist* that ever lived. not.
pay her/him a living wage when and if you do hire a nanny!
it ain’t the symbolism,folks...