Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe

My cousin used to post a lot of Joel Osteen clips on Facebook and I had to unfollow her because he’s a shitty person and a terrible representation of what a “real Christian” is.

I read the entire Politico article yesterday and I’m not surprised. Religious zealots can also be opportunistic lying miscreants who are big fans of capitalism and under-the-table deals (just like Trump).

You know, I didn’t think it was possible for his head to be any further up his own ass, but today I learned that yes, IT IS POSSIBLE. 


In their email to membership, the Wing’s Gelman and Kassan wrote that “we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,” adding that they’ll “work to improve our own internal processes and policies,”

Have you guys smelled Sauvage? It smells terrible. The ads are terrible, Johnny Depp is terrible in them, the fragrance is terrible. Literally nothing redeeming about any of this.

Yes, I know. I have done that, and they still come up for me. I do it all the time. “This ad is not relevant.”

In my early 30s, the advertisements for engagement rings and wedding dresses that had followed me around the internet for much of my 20s disappeared, and a barrage of pregnancy and motherhood products rushed in to fill the void

Remember Topanga and Angela’s friend Rachel who lived with Eric and Jack? She’s doing adult films now. That made me feel REALLY old.

It looks like a box of doodads she curated from a Buffalo Exchange haul (my friend who used to manage one said Björk used to come in there all the time). There, or Michaels.

That dress looks like a costume from a John Waters movie. So yes, BUY IT. 


Oh, so that’s what Colin Mochrie is doing now: modeling sit-upons.

When I heard that there’s a movie called The Wicker Man I thought of these chairs, the plastic “wicker” ones. Shudders abound.

And they always have holes in the middle, presumably so farts can escape. The best chairs for cheese shops and Mexican restaurants, obviously. Maybe ice cream spots too.

I always thought of the floorboard secret stash like in the 1995 movie Heavyweights.


Oh, I absolutely devoured this series. I read, and then bought every single book. When Ann M. Martin came to town for a book signing, I begged my mom to go. Ann autographed the most recent book (this was probably 1995, 1996...I think it was #100 because it had a silvery cover, and why else would Ann be out doing book

“We’d be better served as a nation by addressing the root causes that are driving people to violence: the breakdown of the family, mental illness, social isolation, and the refusal to recognize the dignity of human life,” he told WRAL in a statement.

No, the Intelligencer article is comprised of a conversation the writer had with Zinoviev on August 12 and also refers to their conversation from 2015.