Meowry Pawpins likes hamberders & covfefe


Ok, I think I need to sink my teeth into this. I started high school in 2000, but for a chunk of the year, I was in 8th grade (which reminds me, Pen15 fans should see Eighth Grade). I was in 7th grade for the 98-99 school year and I was obsessed with the Delia’s and Alloy catalogs, updating my webpage,

David O’Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life committee, told Politico that he hopes Trump will “continue to speak from the heart if he’s as shocked as most people are by the idea of after-birth abortions,” because apparently anti-abortion activists are trying to make “after-birth abortion” a thing

I didn’t know she was 22 at the time either. For some reason I always thought she was in her mid-30s or early 40s, which in my young mind at the time seemed old enough to cut off somebody’s wiener.

I was gonna say Ross.

DEAD!! hahahahaah

I’d take Peppa Pig anyday over that whiny brat Caillou.

I started taking group lessons locally and started posting progress and looking for other adult skaters on Instagram using #adultsskatetoo and #adultskater. Going to the rink a lot helped me meet other adult skaters. It’s a big community! Some people do early morning free skate (I’m JUST BELOW that level), and I do

OMG, this is the same brand of deviousness that my sister did when she made houses, put a bunch of Sims inside with an oven, and then deleted the door. Cue lots of burnt corpses that eventually started to haunt the other Sims once she renovated the house.

Let’s pause and contemplate the soulless gaze of known chaos merchant Kim Kardashian West.

“Simply put, fraternities elevate men to social gatekeepers and relegate women and non-binary students to sexual objects,” the lawsuit reads.

Well, there’s a reason I said I “used to buy OB tampons.” I have an IUD so I don’t get monthly periods anymore. When I did, I used OB tampons and the DivaCup. I always had a couple tampons on me in case my period came unexpectedly and I didn’t have the cup with me.

I want to be able to compete just for the hell of it, really. Skating is a rewarding challenge and I like pushing myself to tackle uncomfortable things. It’s also a great metaphor for life, since everyone falls in skating. I’ve found a great community of other adult skaters, so the networking has been amazing! I’m

Same boat for me, basically. The people I know having kids--one or on their second now--have high-paying jobs and one of them, usually the woman, can afford to stay at home for a while. Having children is definitely easier when you’re privileged and wealthy.

I’m 32 and every time I go on Facebook it’s like, “Surprise! WE’RE PREGNANT!” or “Soandso has a sibling on the way!” Meanwhile I’m a single cat lady who has time to go to the gym, attain my goals as a figure skater, and make banana bread. 

She’s really another talking head with nothing useful or poignant to say. She wants a seat at the table to whine and beams when she gets to say she’s a Republican. *huge eye roll*

Throughout the piece, Morgan opines about the difficulties of having opinions on social media given that he is a conservative white boy in an increasingly progressive environment.

I push the tampon out of the applicator and insert it like I would an OB tampon!