Mentioned Croissant

Who treats these children to fight authority members, exactly?

Meanwhile a bernie sanders campaign volunteer tries to gun down like 18% of congress while shouting “this is for healthcare” and its out of the news in 48 hours.

Meanwhile a bernie sanders campaign volunteer tries to gun down like 18% of congress while shouting “this is for healthcare” and its out of the news in 48 hours.

Fucking good.   Make progressives afraid again.  There is no place in a liberal society for her attitude and i hope she feels this fear for the rest of her life.

Who typed it in? These type of transactions aren’t labeled manually one-by-one so there’s no reason for the type of error you described to happen. Someone isn’t filling this all out on a spreadsheet.

I have to assume someone accidentally typed in what they meant to type in ‘ethnicity” or something in the “name of service charge” field. Dont attribute to malace what you can attribute to incompitancy, as they say.

I have to assume someone accidentally typed in what they meant to type in ‘ethnicity” or something in the “name of service charge” field. Dont attribute to malace what you can attribute to incompitancy, as they say.

I have to assume someone accidentally typed in what they meant to type in ‘ethnicity” or something in the “name of service charge” field. Dont attribute to malace what you can attribute to incompitancy, as they say.

I have to assume someone accidentally typed in what they meant to type in ‘ethnicity” or something in the “name of service charge” field. Dont attribute to malace what you can attribute to incompitancy, as they say.

A 9 year old being pepper sprayed isnt outrageous enough. Make sure to let the people know she was black. That makes it EXTRA bad.

The US military isnt centralized enough to do this.  Some factions would go along with it and others would side with rival groups.

You’re incapable of articulating your political positions because you’re a fucking smooth brain moron incapable of existing outside of an echo chamber. Im in your kitchen, licking your plates :)

You have every opportunity to prove me wrong mr. “I come to discussion forums to tell people how i dont want to discuss

Forza is consistently better as a console “sim”.  The driving physics just feel more real.  Gran turismo cars never seem to roll and dive and the loss of traction is too sudden.

No Rye? Seriously?  Its the best sandwich bread by miles.

I did hear some reports from non kooky infowars sources that the protein in the Pfizer Vaccine can make a woman unable to develop a placenta, effectively sterilizing them.

I still don’t understand the damn stock market.