Thufir Hawat

WAIT A MINUTE! How the hell are “seasoned crackers” a “white” food? I see plenty of non-white people put them in their shopping carts. That’s as STUPID as saying that a particular type of melon and a certain animal battered and fried are “black” foods. I am NOT calling you a racist—I don’t think that you are. I am

Aw- grandma food is the best food.

We have an agreement. I’ll have them draw up the papers.

Awww...this “food” tangent really makes me miss Pinkham/Kitchenette :-(

My grandmother does something similar with oyster crackers, except hers are a little spicy. I am the only one in my family who will touch them - everyone else thinks they’re too hot. Sadly, we are not midwesterners. (I thought southerners could handle more heat!)

totally distracted by the hotness of brad ughh. On a side note, I have generally been the only POC in the STEM classes I take, and I was the only POC in my graduate program at a top tier school in the Bay Area that boast diversity

I don't think we do enough to prepare teachers and we need better mentoring programs. Teaching is hard and a lot of places have a sink or swim approach.

At that institute, I was talking to her a woman about American Indians and she was telling me she knew a foster mother who had an American Indian boy with autism. She made a comment the only challenge he had was his disability and not his race. I didn’t feel like arguing with her that he was going to have to deal not

I was at a teacher’s institute this week as well (I’m not a teacher though, it was a weird experience), and there wasn’t a SINGLE person of color. Not a damn one. And considering a lot of the conversation was around how to teach issues likes slavery and society in the 18th century, the fact that the only person of

I really want to know what someone is going to do with a Tupperware full of Saltines, some ranch dressing mix, and what appears to be 1/2 cup of vegetable oil.

I was about to comment that they should fix their rape problem before forcing women to conscript.

I’m really tired of this “not physically fit to serve in combat because men blah blah blah science.” OK, here is some rebuttals to all those old dudes with smoother legs than mine from their tube socks.

I don’t agree with having a draft at all (mostly because I don’t think we need near the military force we already have, and if there were a real reason to go to war that everyone agreed on, there would be plenty of volunteers), but I agree that if we have one there is no reason not to include women.


Hah, man, I couldn't agree more.

Recreating a Delorean at minifig scale is very difficult, especially if there are zero parts made specifically to do so.

The music is from the Superman movie serial that Columbia made in 1948, not the Fleischer cartoons.