Are you kidding me with Joan Crawford in that pic?! Stunning
Are you kidding me with Joan Crawford in that pic?! Stunning
Is it because he has a donut and he says he’s going to let her lick it?
I have zero faith in Cesar Millan’s dog training techniques but the real reason I hate his face is because once some bro on a bike came up to me at a stoplight and said of my dog (sitting on the curb, waiting for the light to change as he’d been trained to do), “that’s a pretty good dog but you should really make him…
You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.
I call BS - anyone who ever WORKED as a server and/or in the hospitality industry will always tip. Always. At least 10%. And then, usually, they’ll tell the manager - nicely - why there was a problem.*
You know, in some parts of Europe (Germany, Spain for example) servers will actually get offended if you tip them more than just rounding up to the next full Euro amount because they’re paid a LIVING WAGE in the first place. To tip them implies you think they serve a menial purpose and need your handout. Why the hell…
I’m on your side in this one, bro. Particularly since Rubio is underlining how important Muslim Americans have been in the military - it’s a very clear, unmistakeable call for tolerance and appreciation of Muslims. This criticism is way overblown. Remember Rubio’s audience, for Chrissake you guys.
Thank you for parsing Rubio’s comment, Trump’s outrageousness has numbed my mind so much that he sounded reasonable and respectful.
Your headline is blatantly false, though. God knows the last thing I want to be spending my time on is defending Rubio, but he straight up said he’s fine with Muslims who don’t convert so long as they’re friendly and/or love America. There’s plenty to criticise about the dude without misrepresenting his statement.
Every time I see an article on Jezebel about Islam I’m perplexed as to why a feminist website is so quick to defend Islam despite it being the most misogynistic religion in existence. The type of misogyny women face in western countries is a walk in the park compared to even progressive Muslim nations like the UAE.
I also hate the idea of missionaries.but I don’t think his point was really about conversion but about how Muslims are kind good people and he had to use ho they treat the most annoying of Christians aka missionaries as an example. This was not a bad thing to say. He’s awful when it comes to many things but this…
I’m curious where you live where missionaries no longer exist. My next door neighbors were Lutheran missionaries in Guatemala for a little over 10 years, 5 years ago. Religion is tricky and weird. In those years they taught women about birth control and what to do/take, in that aspect, how to advance laws in their…
Forgive me but what did Rubio say that was so wrong? He didn’t say he wanted Muslims to convert, he stated that a Christian missionary couple who was in a Muslim country was met with kindness from Muslims. Am I missing something here?
This (and sorry I can’t upvote you, because Firefox). The “Muslims converting to Christianity” was one stray sentence out of a much larger whole, and his point may sound basic as hell to us, but more Republicans need to be saying, and understanding, this very basic thing. And no, I’m not a Rubio supporter either.
So Romans were toddlers? I can see it.
It’s like I can’t spell it any other way now.
Jones’s role. Not Jones’ unless you are talking about the role of more than one Jone.
I had literally never heard of Leslie Jones before this article.
He sounds like a controlling misogynist. I’ve worked for people with personalities like that and as the articel reflects it’s all about maintaining control over the person. They thrive off of ruining someone else or making their life difficult. Unless someone above him boots him (i.e. what Sony is doing now), he prob…