Mental Midget Tosser

You're in luck Jack. The "extra toe" you see is the lateral portion of the 5th metatarsal head. LBJ has what is termed a "tailor's bunion". What we see is simply the 5th toe rotated towards the 4th toe. Good news for haters, he will need surgery on that some day. Just google image tailor's bunion and you will have

This pretty much says it all.

He clearly had initally vomitted. I thought the impact induced a pettie mal seizure.

Jesus that's funny. Makes last night's loss a little more tolerable. Wait...nope, still sucks.

From the footage I saw it looks like Burrows pulled Bergeron's hand down and then took a chomp. Regardless of team that's pretty chickensh*t. Despite the "proof" he got away with it so the point is moot.

"Yeah, we're going to win"

Kansas City Star Excerpt: Jason Whitlock, The Refrigerator Rapist.

That was perfect.

Magic is just trying out for a guest spot on Malcolm in the Middle.

Come on guys! It's a rare opportunity to witness a man's heart ripping in two while selling out. Best seen at time index 0:06-0:08.

In fairness, how was he supposed to know that a microphone, positioned in front of his mouth, would capture the merest whisper at a press conference that he was participating in? The fact that we are even talking about this is...what's the word I'm looking for?

Which he also named Sting.

He's not just sure. He's HIV positive.

"I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that."

I've seen tougher.

Braun, already widely known by his dungeons and dragons moniker, wields the bat "Huch huch hudit mu much much m huc huch."

This followed by "I'm Rick James bitch!"

"Frau Blücher hrhrhrhrhhr!"