He is indeed number two.
He is indeed number two.
Could you imagine the crazy though? A president that won neither the popular or electoral vote? That’d be nuts. (I should add, I fully expect that trump will get all the electoral votes to win, but let’s play imaginary.)
Chris Suprun is a paramedic from Dallas, Texas. A Republican member of the Electoral College, he has previously…
Seems appropriately Jezebel-y to point out that Lindy is a Jezebal alumnA, not alumnUS.
Also, assuming the tv show will be showing the more current parts of Lindy’s life, she is married to a black man and is stepmom to his daughter.
I am here for your hashtag.
Oh Fuck yes. Honestly my next request is Caity’s TGI Friday’s adventure into a show.
Wow, a day of pretty good news! #lowexpectatationsjesuschrist2016
A lot of Shrill doesn’t seem like it would dramatize well, but I would looooove to see Lindy vs. Comedy Bros staged.
Yaaaay, Lindy! Get ‘em, girl!
“lighten up and laugh at my prison rape joke”
Uh, no. Your notifications let you know which comment I’d replied to, btw.
wow, fuck off. this comment is shit.
counterpoint: smoke a blunt and eat the pie. they’re fucking goooood.
Yeah, the first is a short animation indicating that Elsie might be in “sector 20".
So, that string of code you get is hex, if you run it through a hex decoder you get another line of code, this time base64. Convert that to text and viola - http://delosincorporated.com/video/intra/tablet.mp4
Not a ton of answers, but a few clarifying things are there. As well as some foreshadowing for season two. In a…
Feel silly for thinking ShogunWorld
No clear answer on what happened to Elsie and Stubbs. But overall a pretty good episode. I might have to watch it once more to see if I missed anything.
And Maeve is going to be wandering around looking for her daughter.