blood rage

counterpoint: smoke a blunt and eat the pie. they’re fucking goooood.

You will. You won’t be able to resist.

“black guys ARE scary!”

Every day I am more afraid for our men and our boys. I am sick with worry every time a family member leaves the home.

I liked her as a creep in while you were sleeping

Carol or GTFO

I have this edition and the cover practically begs to be read

Brokeback Mountain didn’t win Best Picture?

Hey, California is great. I’ve got weed and a futon for Blue refugees.

the only thing I took from it was that I was supposed to be taking this show very seriously

Well, he did murder a bunch of people.

I’m just glad they cast Jimmi Simpson in a dramatic role.

Maybe then he’ll understand.

They didn’t just rape her and film it. I think people are missing that.

aka Ms Schneider did not consent to the scene but felt forced to film it anyway.

she said that he told her about it right before shooting, which suggests that she agreed to it [...]But in his version he seems to be saying that he never did tell her what the scene was going to be.

If she didn’t know they’d be filming an aggressive rape scene, and was forcibly held down and humiliated while the actor simulated her rape - how is this not sexual assault?

Yep. They conspired to do this to her specifically, after knowing her for months. This wasn’t about art. It’s sadist abusing their perceived power over a young woman and excusing it with lol idk art i guess???

you’re a shitty director