Yes, Aliens passes the test because it has multiple named female characters (Ripley, Newt, Vasquez, Ferro), who all converse throughout the film. Oh, was your post supposed to be funny? Sorry for ruining your joke.
Yes, Aliens passes the test because it has multiple named female characters (Ripley, Newt, Vasquez, Ferro), who all converse throughout the film. Oh, was your post supposed to be funny? Sorry for ruining your joke.
"If you want to see more movies with strong female leads, write them,
produce them, go to the theatre to see them, or buy them on DVD"
i thought men ran this place?
"Characters serve the story."
they didn't post my last comment because I talked about the last "Game of Thrones" one and used the "r**e word
Interesting. I feel like not only did you not read the entire article, but you don't even know what the Bechdel test is.
"Not everything has to be political"
"Hollywood - as an entity, which it isn't, but never mind that"
Wait, are you trying to say that because 2 (two) female artists made male-centric works, the entire premise that more female creative voices will lead to more and better female characters is invalidated?
I think that's what he was going for.
Successful straw man trolling achieved!
Ugh, "The Mako Mori Test" is the dumbest thing ever. Every major event in her story arc is dictated by the men in her life.
What stage is feeding unwitting customers horse meat?
"then Hollywood will give into tokenism."
"Or maybe it was secretly an ironic work of feminist genius"
Seven of Nine boring? What madness is this?
Re: Lucy It should come as no surprise that this is all Luc Besson’s idea
Fassbinder has been a popular Watch This choice lately:…
Really fascinating. This seems like a detailed elucidation of a Joseph Campbell / Dan Harmon story circle.
I loved it, but it was so very dry and I think that's something many moviegoers are just not accustomed to. I saw it in a theater with maybe 20 people in attendance, and 2 separate couples got up and left around an hour into the movie.