
He is afraid of death and I am afraid of life.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

As a millennial, I’m usually more like “mi mi mi mi mi mi mi”

I cannot accept that these training camp drills didn’t yield better returns.

Eh. Then aren’t you just punishing PEA because he doesn’t play for an African national powerhouse? And how about in 2013 when Nigeria won and Toure won the award over Mikel? Toure’s just being a baby, as per usual.

Look, this whole trouble could have been avoided if someone had simply given Yaya some damn cake.

Also Boogie related...

Being able to ragequit without consequences is included in being a billionaire.

Fucking computer is a stone-cold fucking cheater.

Your last paragraph is on point. Especially the part about NBC Sports and the EPL.

If you haven’t recognized the MLS snake oil routine by now, you’re either really dumb or you’re perfectly fine with being conned.

as it’ll allow them to actualize their Football Manager dreams in real life

And in the case of Brazil it’s this sick one-two punch that FIFA and the IOC threw them.

Simple solution: turn to one of your most prominent citizens for electricity.

Marshall’s father is a little off base here. He sees playing a white guy over a black guy as an example of racism when it’s really an example of tanking.

This is basically his career in a nutshell: flashes of greatness followed by fucking it all up by being arrogant and selfish.

The bigger joke is “productition.”

i think Mourinhos former Assistant coach coaches Middlesborough. dont think he was there for a potential job in the championship :)

Technically, ALL photos are old photos. When have you ever seen a photograph from THE FUTURE?