
This girl is an imbecile. People shouldn’t celebrate and validate her idiocy.

Hopefully it actually gets enforced. I have a feeling it will be one rule for the grunts, and another unwritten rule for the officers. Stuff like this I can picture getting swept under the rug like the sexual assault stuff.

I’ll miss her a lot.

I sympathize, dude. Don’t end your life. I know you want the pain to be over, but I have a feeling that someday the pendulum will swing back towards rationality when it comes to these kinds of things. I mean, it has just gotten absurd. They are charging 14 year old kids as sex offenders because they sexted with

Holy moly. I hope she never has kids. I can picture exactly the kind of mom she’d be.

Does the coach straight up tell them to do this to eachother? How did it become widespread?

“suffering from depression and looked to pornography websites and internet chat rooms in an attempt to fill some of the voids and disappointment he was feeling in his life.” 

Yup! The lists are my favorite part!

Good idea. Let me ungrey you. Fire it up!

I’m reading the Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, and I came across a passage where she lists off all the ways men behave shamefully. Things haven’t changed much over 1000 years...

Thanks for the link.

This is perhaps a naive question, but why hasn’t he divested? Arent there going to be serious legal ramifications if he doesn’t? I assume that even if you’re president, you can still suffer unavoidable consequences from is sort of thing. Is it because he has some way of dodging the shitstorm to come?

I hope Harlan Ellison speaks up about this.

Everyone has been so worried about DT normalizing all kinds of bad behavior. Racism, unconsensual genital-grabbing, mocking the disabled... Well, I guess peeing on people for sexual gratification can be added to that list.

Can’t believe this doesn’t have a ton of stars. People might be missing the reference.

It worked in Athens and Sparta....

This is blood-boiling. Why the hell would you become a detective, and then not want to do any detective work?

“If there’s a true stranger rape, a random guy picks up a stranger off the street, those are the troubling ones. That person has, like, no moral standards.”

I’ve never been interested. Vaginas are awesome enough that I never cared.

I’m surprised he didn’t keep beating the guy up.