
Is it your contention that the draconian way the Taliban put Sharia law into practice was the only way it was ever practiced? Is that what you think Muslims are thinking when they say they approve of Sharia law? The Taliban?!

If they truly approve of polygamy and child marriage, I’m surprised that most Mormons don’t engage in it.

Care to explain that massive jump over to such a mean conclusion?

Of course they noticed. Everyone knows they exist. It doesn’t mean they approve of it. Do you also believe that the Taliban came into existence with the approval of most Muslims?

Seems easy enough.

Wow. I’m surprised the comments haven’t turned into the usual “yeah-but-here’s-why-religion-is-evil” circle-jerk it usually does whenever we get a story about a Christian doing something laudable.

A fringe minority of people claiming to be Mormons practice polygamy and marry children. They live out in the desert and tend to be thoroughly detested by average Mormons because the normal ones hate being tarred with the same brush. I’m not sure where you are getting that they turn a blind eye to them. It sounds

It’s been miraculous for me. I’m just plain not craving alcohol anymore. I used to walk past the liquor store and wonder about all the awesome stuff I haven’t tried yet, and now I just don’t care. It sounds too good to be true, but I literally drank my way to sobriety. The great part is I can still drink socially

Does anyone remember that really crappy arcade game from the early nineties that featured Aerosmith? It was a shooter, and on the side of the gun there was a button that shot CDs. In between levels, Tyler would tell you: “Remember! Music is the weapon!”

Try to convince him. Emphasize that the Sinclair method is being used extensively in Finland, and they are getting great results with it. If it doesn’t work, ask him politely, but firmly if he could refer you to a colleague who would feel comfortable letting you pursue this form of treatment.

*rolls eyes*

If you look at bibles that we’re made before the invention of the printing press, you’ll notice that they are full of hand-drawn doodles and embellishments. But as always, hell hath no fury like the uninvolved.

He felt the walls closing in, so he decides to dispose of the hard drives in his own garbage can? I guess I’m glad he’s so stupid, but how hard would it have been to drive to the nearest apartment building and throw it in their dumpster?

Nice. That makes sense, because I couldn’t see a clear perch you could have jumped from. Also, I figured that you had to fall to your knees for each jump, because your legs don’t look braced for landing flat on your feet. I’m glad you found a less painful way to achieve the effect you were seeking. This is some A+

She knows it, too.

She must be jumping downward for her cloak to be billowing like that. I wonder how many times she fell down to get a good shot.

Yup. LDB is a profoundly stupid song.

if he makes a movie and becomes successful by putting other people down, is he actually making real art? does he deserve to be able to gain notoriety?

People like that are insufferable. Sympathetic over here.

Take a survival job in the meantime. I’ve got letters behind my name, but for now I’m doing warehouse work. It sucks, but temping gives me money, and a flexible schedule to go on interviews when I get them.