
I didn’t have time to mock women specifically, my time was spent planning bully avoidance measures, but when those bullies were women, yeah, we talked shit about them too. Having a vagina doesn’t give you a pass on harassing someone else, despite what tumblrites may try to tell you.

“Yeah but I get another $100 in my tax return! Thank you Trump!”

No, really, fuck ‘em. I don’t give a shit. Go home to your fat, used up former cheerleader wife and brag about your 4 touchdowns on an open field. Fuck off from my safe space.

fuck ‘em.

the internet was a mistake

> All of this is to say that, yes, it’s okay to still like Blink-182 in your 30s.

I’m well past healing, tbh. That gnarly bit of scar tissue is going to be the way it is until my ashes are scattered to the winds. While I can sympathize with your story, you’re not necessarily the audience of my screed. It sounds to me like you’ve followed “nerdy” pursuits your whole life and suffered many of the

Mortal Combat II

Back in the early days of geekdom, women looked at geekdom like lonely pathetic loser nerd shit and now they want in. fuck off.

but we also have a lot of the type...the more socially awkward, nerdy types who aren’t all that brushed up on positive social interactions.

how do people need to be encouraged to drink water ffs

Boobieplayers/boobstreamers exclusively subsist on the target demographic that Mr. Giles belonged to.

i think we need to ban vlogging

A-fucking-greed. My generation is an abomination.

I read your comment and all I can think is “Oh look, another shithead tumblrist injecting gender politics where they don’t belong.”

You don’t have to stay here, champ.

Ban vlogging

Still begging Apple’s forgiveness for That Time With The Prototype Model And Random Demand, eh?

But are they organic sharecropped cagefree products??