
This is EXACTLY what gets me angry about "animal rights." They often appear to care more about the rights of animals than humans. Once we get the whole human rights situation under control, I'm fine with tackling animal rights. But until then, there are more important things in society to worry about.

What is with all the fucking anti-Indigenous racism all over this comments section?

The point is that this woman isn't advocating random slaughter of seals. She's advocating eating them and using their fur as indigenous peoples have for thousands of years. This isn't female genital mutilation or footbinding.

The seal hunt is a sustainable practice that allows people living in a part of the world with very few other sources of food to acquire protein and clothing. It's also a tradition practised by a sovereign people that harms no other people, and allows them to maintain their dignity and self sufficiency. Comparing it to

Don't be fucking ignorant. Seriously, this is a woman who comes from a place where food prices are so high that people are literally starving, advocating for a local food source. There is very little farming to be done around the Arctic Circle, and the people there hunt seals and other animals in order, as they have

Killing, eating and using their fur and other parts of the seals as the indigenous peoples of Canada have been doing for eons.

I dig it. Seal hunting rubs a lot of people the wrong way on account of how cute seals are, but they're not endangered, and they put a lot of strain on fish stocks, some of which are in more danger. If you're going to eat a cow, it's really not that big a deal to eat a seal.

Plus, all the more inhumane seal hunting

You...are aware that the song is not a how-to manual, but rather a song sung by a villain who is actively in the process of tricking/lying to the young heroine?

I'm surprised she was even able to see the movie, when she's stuck that far up her own ass.

They "research it" by Googling anti-vaxx sites, clearly.

I think it should be mandatory to vaccinate, with the only exception being for people with contraindicated health conditions (stupidity doesn't count). No religious exemptions, no personal feelings, nothing.

Many of the reasons people dislike vegans are encapsulated in your comment. Desperate need to announce that one is a vegan? Check. Outsized persecution complex? Check.

Or it could simply be more ass play.

I have an idea, let's keep jailing people for wanting to fuck for money! That's progressive!

You're right. We should totally make a decision that hurts disadvantaged, scared women just to spite the MRAs. That'll show 'em!

there are people who will sleep with strangers no matter the risks, paid for or not. It's not prostitution that's the problem here! It's education! My 'friend' in the sexual health clinic explained that the sex workers took care of themselves far better than people who were beered off their faces.

Dr. Diane Harper raised concerns in 2009 that:

I publicly shamed a 19-year-old nursing student in front of her peers.